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Thank you for joining us on this journey! I hope you enjoyed reading this far and to end this story, I hope it will leave some mark on you! Together with Jinhyeong and Raijine, thank you! Until next time!



"You'll be enlisting for the military this year, Jin-hyeong..." Chini told me.

When she said that to me, I was heartbroken. I'm in the middle of our career bloom and it hurts me to think that I have to leave the group, but I couldn't get away with this, it's the law, I can't break it.

I just had my performance earlier with my group at a TV network and then when I'm coming back home, this is the kind of news I will be getting. But it's like I have a choice. Every male who lives in South Korea has this mandatory training to attend to with only exemptions to disabled people and who have medical conditions. It is understood, but I feel like everything was abrupt. I thought it'll be happening in the next few years... not at this time.

When I told my friends from the group, they weren't shocked because they all are aware that this is happening... just not this sooner. Chanwoo, Dongjun, Hyungmin, and Namjun understood that I am going away for almost two years and that could lead the group to disbandment or else, they would find someone who will replace my position and then they will move forward. But they all assured me that this isn't going to happen. What if the management wants it, they will leave the group as soon as possible.

Though I would be getting into the military by June 2020—next month, Chanwoo, Namjun will also follow by the end of the year so as much as we want to take our time to perform, I guess we all have to wait a few years to do that again altogether.

"Are you afraid?" Namjun asked.

"Yeah... that's what I thought, too," Chanwoo said.

I shrugged off then shook my head. "I don't know... I'm not afraid. I'm not excited. There's a lot of thing going on in my head now and I couldn't seem to focus. I'm trying to cope up with it now because this will be my reality for the next two years. It just so sad that I have to be away while we're in the middle of our careers."

"Let's just drink it," Dongjun said, offering a bottle of soju. "We all be getting there at some point of our lives, but it's good to perform with you guys on the stage. I appreciate it."

We got all a bottle of soju and tossed it.

"Don't we still have some show next week?" Hyungmin wondered.

"Yes!" Namjun said. "And I think those will be Jin-hyeong's last performances before he goes to the military."

I just drink the bottle and tried to wash the thought away. I looked at their faces and I won't be seeing and hang around with them. I know this is just a phase and I can still get back to what I used to do if the military's over. But how can I do that when the group is gone and I'm all by myself?

During our show, I couldn't get my mind straight to what I'm doing. I just messed up my last performance and I wouldn't be able to take it back. It's on the news that I will be leaving the group for the military and some fans are extending their support and love for me. Would they still be there even though years had passed?

Maybe that's the thing about being getting afraid... I wouldn't know if there are still people who will support and believe in me after all those years.

When I started not meeting the boys because I'm preparing myself for the military, Chini also told me that Raijine, my personal assistant has to go back to the Philippines since I would be going to the military and her stay wouldn't be much valuable since her work is to look after me. I've never got to talk to her again, just a few days later, I just heard she already left the country.

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