"you can play with it, not make it messy" he rolled his eyes and played with a strand of my hair as our friends talked with each other and I talked with harry about the project.


(A/N this is my catchphrase now)

oh no we have history now.

"you can do this, just breathe," Harry said as he walked next to me.

I came and fell down because of Alexander, who pulled the chair away.

'maybe if I got here earlier, I wouldn't have to deal with that'
'great idea I should do that'

after a few minutes the teacher came in and started calling students to present.

'breathe just breathe'
'what if they laugh at me?'
'they won't just focus on your job and just talk'

I inhaled and exhaled, played with my bracelet that always helps me with my stress I felt a hand over mine and looked at Harry, who smiled at me.

"you can do it," he smiled.

"Harry and belle" the teacher said as she looked at us.

we got up, and we started presenting our project.

"don't stutter like you always do," Alexander said as he laughed

'let me just put my hand around your neck and choke-'

I was cut off by harry who started with his part after he said finished his part it was my turn it started bad but I got better when harry held my hand in his as he squeezed it every time he sees me panicking however Alexander was making it worse and worse with his comments here and there.

once we finished we returned to our original seats since we don't have to work together anymore.

I felt my hair being tugged so much but not in a hard way till I moved my head back and looked at Alexander, who was smiling down at me.

"pretty impressive who you didn't stutter with him but you do with me," he whispered in my ear.

'yeah well, he helped me'

"what Can I say it's his charm," I said, making him roll his eyes.

"charm my ass," he said as I tried to remove his hands from my hair with my hands.

he removed his hands from my hair but held my hands as he brushed his fingers on my arm.

'I'm ticklish'

"stop that," I said, wondering where the fuck is the teacher I looked to see no one sitting in her seat.

"oh the Mrs. Brown left from an emergency phone call," he smirked.

"harry-" I tried to call out harry but Alexander put his hand on my mouth, after a while he finally released me.

"I don't like you,"

"I hate you,"

"I want to kill you,"

"I want bury you alive and laugh as you cry,"

"I want to cut your dick off and make you eat it then slice your throat ou-" Mrs. brown cut me off.


"chit chatting" Alexander said, smiling, as he pinched my arm that was hidden from Mrs. brown's view.

"yeah just couple of besties chit chatting," I pinched back, smiling.

His Lilly ✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя