Youre somebody else

Start from the beginning

When I don't answer, he takes that as a confirmation of my knowledge of Quinn. After a few minutes of silence I hear a whoosh and I know he is behind me, I hang up the phone and do not dare to turn around. 

"Tell me, love." He starts, his tone is icy, and although his words may sound sweet there is a threat laying beneath the surface. "Why is it that you know Quinn Mayfield?" His fingertips glide across my cheek and reach my chin where he lifts it up to meet his gaze, one of anger and frustration.

"I knew him as a child." That is all I can think to say, It is technically the truth just not the complete and total truth, it's missing a few details. Like the fact that he got me pregnant and then showed up centuries later looking for our departed daughter.

"Ah I see." He says with the click of his tongue, I can hear the anger radiating off him, but I don't know why, surely he'd had past relationships, it cannot be a surprise that I have as well. I stare up into his baby blue eyes. I resist the urge to reach my hand up to his temple and lay my fingertips upon his skin, I want him to see that Quinn no longer holds my love. But I dont. He is far too angry. 

"And I would believe you, if I hadn't compelled him to tell me the truth ten minutes ago," A vein arrises between his brows and reaches to his forehead. 

No. No. No. Please no. He's all I have left of my home. Other than a daughter who doesn't know I am her mother. 

"What did he tell you?" I ask, because if I were to plead for Quinn's life that would show just how much I care about him and I don't know how that would go.

"Oh not much, other than the fact that you two slept together so so many moons ago, and are the only remaining of your people. "  He drops his hand, and stares at his palm. When he says those last words his expression softens, but his anger does not soothe. 

"How do you know him?" I ask him. He refuses to lift his chin and look me in the eyes as he speaks, I know this is not because of shame or sadness, he is proud and angry- a volatile combination.

"We were brothers in arms, until he killed the girl I fancied and tried to kill me in my sleep when he found out what I was, he fled to your village shortly after and I never saw him again, so this is a rather intriguing surprise." I had never known of Quinn's previous life, I had never known of that side of him. A million questions run through my mind, a million contradictions as well. 

"I hadn't known," I mumble softly, he nods as if he knew this fact already. 

"Nik please, please don't hurt him," I beg whilst reaching out to touch his hand, he lets his hand linger only so long that our fingers brush momentarily, and then quickly pulls away. I can't see his face but I see the muscles in his back tense as he hears my pleads for another mans life, for his enemies life. 

"Too late," he says with way too much satisfaction, I can't control the tears that begin streaming down my face. He turns just as they reach my lips, and wipes them right off, I slap his hand away. Anger seethes beneath my skin, coursing through my veins and rushing to my heart. My heart aches for my first love- one whom I am in love with no longer but one whom I share a daughter with- my heart aches for my sweet daughter who shall never meet her father all because of the man I am truly in love with.

"If you hurt him, I swear to the goddess I will leave your ass and do everything in my power to make sure your life is a living hell." I threaten, afraid, so very afraid it's not enough. But also so afraid that I will have to leave him, to forget him. Forget his touch, forget his voice, his protectiveness. But I will. I will not lose the last shred of my home, of my family. 

"HOW DARE YOU THREATEN ME!" His voice ricochets through the air, I don't look around me to see if anyone is staring because I am staring at him, my fists clench at my sides, magic flares beneath my skin begging to be freed- to relieve my anger. My fingernails dig into my palms. thin trails of ruby fall upon the dusty stones. Beautiful red roses burst from between the cracks from my pain. 

"HOW DARE YOU YELL AT ME, YOU DON'T GET TO DO THAT! NOT AFTER YOU KIDNAPPED THE ONLY PERSON WHO I CAN RELATE TO, THE LAST OF MY ORGINAL FAMILY, THE PERSON WHO HAS KNOWN ME THE LONGEST!" I scream as loud as my voice will allow because I will not let this man yell at me and cower in his rage. He grips my arm tightly, as if he had never caressed my skin, never held me, as if he only held resentment in his heart.

"He will be dead by sunrise, right after I find out what he knows about my family," He confirms, I try to pull out of his grip but I can't, so so many emotions course through my veins. Anger. Sadness. Disbelief. Confusion. Annoyance. I feel a sudden urge of power. My hands tingle as the power deepens and strengthens. 

"Let. Him. Go." I demand, my voice low and daring.

"I will let him go under one condition." He negotiates, I am open to hear this. I nod, and allow him to continue.

"That he never speaks to you nor comes close to you for as long as he lives,"

"Fine-" I start before he cuts me off, "Deal, shake on it." He tries to reach for my hand, but I hold it in the air, he cocks his head to the side before I speak, "I have not yet made my deal," 

"If I find out that you have touched him, or had someone else touch him, I will send the wrath of the goddess upon you, AND, I get to see him one last time, at a time of my choosing." he considers it, and agrees with a nod, our fingers intertwine in a different way than normal. A manner  filled with hate and hostility. I stare into his crystal eyes one last time, searching for even a single ounce of love or affection but all I see is a burning desire for revenge, a gaze so aggravated and betrayed. 

"Hoc autem nostrum consensum firmum et perpetuum sigillum nostrum in vita nostra firmamus" I mumble a spell that binds our agreement, a spell he did not agree to, a spell that ensures both sides hold up their end. An everlasting bind upon our lives. With the end of the shake of our hands he is gone, whisked away in the shallow breeze. 

And as I stand here I understand why his reputation is what it is. I just hope he understands that my reputation doesn't do my abilities justice. 

Strangers to lovers to enemies? Whats next?

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