Whoever it was knew she was ignoring the world.

Refusing to roll over and acknowledge who was at her door because she simply wasn't in the mood right now - she gave out her varied but limited options of responses to whoever was at her door. There were only a few, but who else could it be?

"Liv I already said to Aimee I really don't want to go out for a walk today" she said, only to get no response

Fine, time to try again - "Tiana if that's you, please just leave me alone - I just don't want to talk right now" she called out

Once again, no response, "Eliza I really-"

"Naomi" was spoken in such a calm tone but she knew from the second the sound left their lips who it was. Who was in her room.

Looking over her shoulder, to immediately turning over in her bed - Naomi felt like she could've been dreaming right now with the way he was stood with his hands in his pockets - leaning against the door frame, his hair extremely messy, most likely bed head from the looks of it, to that panty dropping smile but his eyes. Those eyes were rimmed red, like he was...like he'd been crying.

Theo had been crying

"Theo" she breathed out as she felt all her emotions hit her at once

"Hey" he smiled with a half smirk, trying to make it lighthearted but they both knew. They both knew they were hurting.

After a moment, she noticed he didn't move from his spot. How he stayed there - keeping a distance and she couldn't help but feel like this was a sign for something. Like he didn't want to get too close. Too close because he was about to-

"No!" She yelled "no, you're here to break up with me" she immediately kicked into action, realising he was acting so off, so different with her. He wasn't here to stay. He wasn't here to talk. He left her yesterday and now he wanted to end things with her

"Hold on, what?" Theo pushed himself off of her door frame and began walking over to her bed as he couldn't be more confused by her sudden outburst. Why the hell would she think he was here to end things with her? Well, other than him walking out yesterday - but that was for other reasons.

"You didn't- you haven't been calling me baby, you want to end this" she pointed out as he rarely used her name anymore, but these days all he ever said was Naomi because he was either scared or frustrated with her. He didn't see her as his girlfriend in those moments and now, now it was like the word had left his vocabulary entirely.

"Baby" he sighed, sitting next to her on her bed as she scooted over to the corner - refusing to let this be the end.

"No, now you're doing it because I pointed it out" she complained and he couldn't help but want to laugh at this entire situation

It was meant to be serious but with the way she was acting and doing the most made him want to burst out laughing at this girl. His girl.

But he couldn't do that. He wanted this to be serious and simple. He wanted to get his point across and see how she reacted to what he said.

"Baby" he stated firmly, "I'm not here to break up with you - I'm here to apologise for not talking to you. I'm here to say sorry for walking out and leaving you..." he trailed off as Naomi took a sharp breath in, feeling like there was a but coming

And definitely not a good but. The same old but that made you pause. It made you stop and just rethink everything. It was the but that made all things come to light.

"But" he said and there it was. There was the word she didn't want to hear

"I just couldn't. I couldn't stay there. I couldn't listen to you, not when I really realised how much Stass meant that I had to take care of you in this relationship. Not to pressure you, because your past was still haunting you, but fucking hell baby..." he threw his head back in frustration, trying to not let his voice give him away at how close the tears were to coming out.

Waiting On You [18+]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant