"Please leave." Some doctor says. "You're upsetting my patient."

Not really, but I do want the cops to leave so I'll allow it.

Once the cops leave, the doctor does too which leaves my family and I alone.

"Well at least they shot me in my right shoulder." I say. "I'd be even more pissed if they shot my Eevee tattoo."

"I still can't believe they shot you." Kyra says as I yawn.

"You okay KiKi?" Jackie asks.

"Tired." I mumble as I nuzzle Jackie's boobs.

"Go to sleep Baba." Jackie whispers as I shut my eyes. "I'll be here when you wake up."

- - - - -

"We'll be back with dinner in a few minutes." Mama says.

I nod then my Mom's, Charlie, Simba, Kyra, and Jordyn leave my hospital room.

Once Jackie, Nala, and I are alone, I look up at my girlfriend

"Yes?" Jackie says with a smile.

"Hi." I say with a dopey smile.

"Hi KiKi." Jackie says as she chuckles.

"You so pretty." I say.

"As are you Baba." Jackie says then she kisses my head. "So have you given anymore thought to what Billie and her soulmate talked to us about?"

"A little." I say. "I wanted to talk to you more before I made a decision."

"Well what's on your mind about it?"

"Well it's a very big ask." I say. "Helping them have a baby is a very big responsibility."

During our time in New York during SheBelieves, Billie and her soulmate took Jackie and I out to dinner then we went back to their hotel and talked for a few hours.

While we were talking, Billie and Niykee asked if I would help them start a family.

I told them I'd think it over and get back to them.

"Yes it is." Jackie says. "So what all is bothering you about it?"

"Well the main thing is the fact that they don't want to use a doctor." I admit. "They want me to have sex with one or both of them."

"Mhmm." Jackie says.

"I feel like it would feel like cheating on you if I were to have sex with one or both of them." I say.

"If you were to do it, do you have any idea of what would make you feel like it's not cheating?"

"Yeah." I mumble.

"And what would that be?"

"You joining in." I say then someone knocks on the door.

"Ms. Heath you have some guests here to see you." A nurse says.

"Alright." I say then two ladies walk into the room.

"Hey ladies." Jackie says as Billie and Niykee come into the room.

"Hey." Billie and Niykee say as they come into the room.

"How are you feeling?" Niykee asks as she and Billie get to my bedside.

"Pretty good considering I got shot." I say.

"Good." Billie says.

"Pull up some chairs." Jackie says then Billie and Niykee pull up a chair.

After Billie and Niykee have a chair pulled up, Niykee sits down then Billie sits on her fiancée's lap.

Once Billie's sat down, the four of us catch up with each other.

"Um." I say when there's a lull in the conversation. "Can we talk about...you know."

"Of course." Niykee says.

"So I have thought a lot about it." I say. "And I'd like to run you through my thinking before I give you a definitive answer.

"Sounds good." Billie says.

"So if I did it then I'd like Jackie to be involved too." I say.

"Involved?" Niykee questions

"I'd want us two to fuck whomever we were fucking that night." I say. "I'd also like it if it could just be Jackie and I with one of you so we could give you all our attention while we're fucking."

"Oh okay." Niykee says.

"But the main thing..." I say then I tail off.

"It's okay Kai." Billie says. "You can tell us."

"I wanna wait till after Jackie and I have kids." I say. "I don't know when that'll be, but that's a big stipulation for me."

"Kai we were always gonna wait for you two to have kids." Billie says. "We just wanted to see if you'd be interested."

"Can I think about it some more?" I ask.

"Of course." Niykee says. "We want both of you to be sure in your decision so take all the time you need."

"Thank you." I say.

"Of course." Niykee says.

"Now." Billie says then she smirks. "When are you two getting engaged."

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