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Tempest resurfaced from the simulation, gasping for air at the sudden wave of panic, that had hit her suddenly after that simulation and she inhaled with a shuddering breath, as she clutched Four's arm in a vice-like grip, in an attempt to calm down.

"Ow." He mumbled and she released him as soon as she felt like she could walk on her own, as she leans against the wall for support, as she attempted to steady her breathing.

"Four's turn." Amar stated and Four got into the chair, as Amar shot him in the neck with the serum.

Tempest couldn't see what her brother was seeing in the simulation this time, but if she had to guess it was something to do with their father again.

She looked at her time on the screen and it was three minutes. When Four came out, shudderin' from the fear he had just experienced, his time was a measly five and a half minutes.

"Hey, it's over now." She murmured quietly and Four leaned against her in a gentle hug.

"I will walk you two back to the dorms." Amar stated and they both looked at him, and he got up and the door that they didn't really see before, it opened outwards into the back hall.

Tempest followed him with Four directly at her heels, since it was a little bit unusual to see Amar looking so... rattled, would be the word for it.

"You created those weapons out of nowhere didn't you? Abnegation all of them, they think that it is selfish to have a weapon." Amar stated and Tempest nodded without even takin' a second to think about it and he sighed at her nod. "I thought, that I was the only one who could create things in a simulation. But, don't do it again." Amar said and Tempest shrugs a bit at his words, sensing the unspoken truth of the danger in his tone of voice.

Four and Tempest walked back toward the dorms, as Amar walked back to the simulation room. "Did you hear footsteps?" Four asks, as Tempest climbed up the top bunk, avoiding the use of her left arm at all costs.

"Yeah, I heard Amar's going in the other direction and yours, as well as mine. Why?" She asked and Four just sighed a bit.

"I think that someone may have overheard our conversation with Amar and it might not have been an accident either." Four said as Tempest raised her eyebrows, and rolls over to face him.

"You are kidding, right? That is insane, Four. Who would want to be eavesdropping on our conversations? A couple of initiates, going through a bunch of fear sims. Any person at all who would do something like that, the person must be just seriously stupidly bored with their own lives." She said and she just shakes her head quickly at him, as she rolls onto her uninjured shoulder and tried to go to sleep again but knowing full well, that it probably wouldn't come at all.

After she had tried and failed to go to sleep for almost two hours she walked out of the dorm and almost ran smack into Eric, and backpedaling to avoid a collision of many human proportions. "Sorry, my fault." She said, and falling almost subconsciously, right back into the 'Stiff' language of the Abnegation, a slip-up of factionless proportions.

"You guys didn't come back from the fear sims." Eric noted as Tempest was now attemptin' to get around him to just continue walking toward the cafeteria. He let her pass, only to start walking with her.

"Since when do you care? We had a rough time this time with it. We're all human Eric, even if Four, sometimes doesn't act like one." Tempest stated a bit bluntly, and she shoved her hands into her pockets and she fidgets as she walked.

"Not gonna lie, I thought that you were gonna say that I don't act like one." Tempest began to quickly laugh at his words and he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "What?" He asked.

"I was going to say it... but you had already said it for me." Tempest was speaking through laughter, as she was chuckling.

"Oh, ha ha." Eric said and Tempest swallowed the rest of her laughter, as she bolts down the hallway, racing off ahead of him quickly. "Hey!"

She heard him shouting from far behind her, as she slid to a stop next to the tattoo parlor, after at least five minutes of a straight, fast sprint.

"Well, you're here early." Tori commented, and she held out a sketch that Tempest had shown her just a couple of weeks ago.

"Yeah, Amar let me go early. I had a shaky experience in the fear sim, took a bit to recover. Also, I am not hungry, at least not right now anyways." She responded and looked at the sketch. "I like the edits. How long, do you think it's going to take?" She asks Tori, who looked at the drawing.

"It will take at least a couple of weeks, maybe even a couple of months to even get a start on the outline done... for your back for this one, unless you just want to stay later every day, then we can take it down a bit of time." Tori estimated and Tempest looked at the sketch. "You don't mind staying late at all, do you?" She guessed and the former Abnegation grinned.

"How did you guess?" Tempest asked and Tori laughed a little bit at her and Tempest put her jacket to the side and Tory led her into the back room.

"Shirt off and jacket. Let's get started." Tori commented as Tempest put her jacket on the back of the other empty chair, and she lies down on her stomach and the familiar buzzing of a needle started and Tempest began her familiar breathing technique, as their tattoo session began.

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