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Fists hitting punching bags and fists connecting with bones, that was the two sounds that were becoming too familiar, since the twins heard one of them too many times before.

Tempest was in the ring and she was facing off against Mia, one of only a few transfers from Amity this year.

Four had learned not to underestimate her quickly, after Mia had gotten him in a good headlock for the first fight of the day.

Tempest blocked the hard punch thrown by Mia, and tagged her in the stomach with a hard kick, which knocks her down and Amar as usual, he watched their fights with interest in his eyes.

Mia stood back up quickly and began to swing in earnest now, and Tempest was backing up, apparently on the defense side now. That is, until she caught one of Mia's punches and then in a move that surprised everyone, her fist was connecting suddenly with Mia's jaw and the former Amity collapsed, with a low groan of pain.

Amar circled Tempest's name, as Tempest crouched next to Mia and she slung her opponent's left arm over her neck with a small sigh. "I didn't mean to hit you that hard, I mean it. Sorry." She said and Mia just grinned at her with a bloody lip and smiled.

"Can you give me fighting lessons for that?" She asks and Tempest chuckles a little bit.

"For now, let us just get you an ice pack." Tempest suggested and Four came over with one, and when they took a look at the rankings, Tempest was in third.

"Nicely done." Four said and Tempest's eyes were moving around to see where he was. Four was fourth, rather ironically. Above Tempest was a Candor boy, Jack in second, and first was Eric, the annoying Erudite who was a royal pain in the ass for Amar and all of the other initiates.

"Thanks. I want your honest answer for this question... do you think that I can beat Eric?" She asked, and they all were sitting in the cafeteria, waiting a bit for Zeke and Shauna, to join them.

"I think that you can beat his ass, for what it's worth from me." Zeke dropped his tray down onto the table surface between them both.

"Thanks Zeke." Tempest said with a nudge to his upper arm, and she looks over at Shauna who had just sat down next to her. "What's up, Shauna?" She asked as Shauna nods slightly a bit, at whatever it was that she had spotted.

Tempest followed her gaze and saw that Eric was watchin' their table with a familiar cocky smirk. There was too many piercings to count all over him now, and Tempest rolled her eyes. "I just ignore him." She said and Shauna looked at her.

"He has been staring at you for over five minutes." Shauna countered and Tempest looked to her left, directly at her.

"So?" Tempest asked as she ate her lunch and taking a sip of orange juice every so often.

"He probably likes you." Shauna said and Tempest sprayed her sip of juice everywhere, causing their entire table to jump.

"He is an Erudite transfer. They hate us, all of us." Four stated, as Tempest quickly cleaned it up.

"Want me to go and beat him senseless for you, T?" Zeke asked as he cracked his knuckles, and Eric was apparently not intimidated by it.

"Nah, Z, it's fine. Besides, I will beat his sorry smart-ass in the ring, sooner or later. I am gonna get another tattoo are you guys in?" Tempest asked and Shauna followed, while the boys were eating still.

"You just wanted to get away from Creepy Stare, didn't you?" Shauna's guess was right on for once and the other girl scratched the back of her neck, as Tempest nodded awkwardly.

"It is my normal day to get a new tattoo, but yes, I also wanted to get away from-- what did you call him again?" Tempest asked and they both laughed together, and they made their way to get along the path to the tattoo parlors.

"Okay. Either he has super speed, or he's really good at following you and has completely pulled a total Erudite move and memorized your schedule for the week." Shauna said and Tempest crossed her arms, at the sight of Eric getting tattoos done by Bud.

"This is getting ridiculous." Tempest stated bluntly to Shauna. Then as she walked over to Tori, she simply acted like everything was normal, and that nothing was changed.

Tory started on the fourth tattoo for Tempest, who was getting two a week so far and this was her second one for this week. "I think that your ranks go up tomorrow for the second to last day of fights, are you nervous?" Tory asks and Tempest shrugged a bit at her words.

"Do I have to answer that?" She asked quietly under her breath, as Tory, just chuckled a little bit, and she looked at the other tattoos.

"These three have healed well. I'm surprised that you haven't chosen a few more... simple ones." Tory was a bit recklessly treading onto a bit of a painful topic.

"I left Abnegation behind. Last I checked, Abnegation is where the simplicity lies." Tempest stated rather bluntly and Tory bandages up the arm wrap of Dauntless flames, that begun at her right wrist and it went all of the way along her forearm, to her elbow.

"Well then, you are gonna make it real far in Dauntless. Aren't you in second place?" Tory asks her and as Tempest heard it, she turned her head to look back at the older Dauntless.

"Not for long." Tempest said with an almost shark-like grin, as she bumped her fist with Shauna's, before they had free time before they had to sleep again.

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