
Start from the beginning

"I bet," Mineta mumbled to himself, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "He's pretty lucky. Anyway, I heard some rumors about you two~" his perverted side came out and Korei felt both disgusted by it but intrigued by it. He seemed to understand that type of thing so maybe she could learn a little bit from him? It sounds weird but Korei doesn't really know anyone else who's down for showing her the ropes to being a pervert. "The first two students in our year to officially tie the knot~ At least, the first two students to have admitted to it."

"Oh, uh...no? We didn't-w-we never-!" Korei tried to clarify but Mineta continued talking. How could she get him to listen to her? "M-mineta-san! Hitoshi and I haven't done...that...yet? Who told you that?" Her cheeks were flushed, but she was kind of glad that the rumor was making its way around. Now, people would know that she and Shinsou were serious...right? That's not what happened here though...Mineta still approached her and asked her out. Was that rumor just going to make things...worse?

"Oh, a little birdy in the business course told me. It's not true? I can have that cleared up pretty quickly, don't worry. Most sexual rumors go through me anyway," he shrugged, talking as if he was doing her a favor. Korei couldn't deny that he might actually be doing her a favor, but she still didn't like him. "But, you are gonna have to hand over something for that! Be it a bigger rumor or a detail to disprove the previous rumor. Just...lay it on me, Saito."

"W-what?" She asked, shocked by what he was asking. Did he want her to tell him about something she and Shinsou had done just to get the rumors to end? Wouldn't that do the opposite? "W-we just kiss and stuff. There's nothing really going on." She lied, realizing that she honestly didn't want the whole school to know about what she and Shinsou did together. What if the teachers heard? That would probably ruin Shinsou's chance at getting into the hero course! She definitely didn't want to be the reason for that!

"What kind of stuff, Saito?" Mineta pushed, climbing onto a nearby chair just so he was closer to Korei's height. He smirked to himself when he noticed the red on her cheeks. "Embarrassed? Here, I'll make you a deal, Saito. Since we're friends now, I'll make sure no rumors like that circulate about you, okay?" Her golden-brown eyes widened and she opened her mouth to thank him, but Mineta was still talking. "But you have to tell me one thing that you and Shinsou have done. I won't tell anyone and I won't judge you about it, I swear. Do we have a deal?"

"Why does it seem like I'm still losing in this deal?" Korei asked, slowly finding a seat to sit in. Mineta shrugged, plopping himself down in the seat and leaning forward in anticipation. "I-i guess..." She sighed, her gaze trained on the carpet of the library before darting up to see if there was anyone around who could hear. "You won't tell anyone?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die, Saito. You have my word!" His word doesn't mean much.

"O-okay...well, I-i to-" her eyes squeezed shut and she just smacked her knee before taking a deep breath and telling Mineta about it. "I've touched his dick!" Though it felt like she had shouted it, Mineta could barely hear the words that came from her mouth. His face turned bright red and he could feel the pressure build up in his nose. "Th-there! Is that good enough?"

"That's...perfect," the purple-haired pervert whispered before shaking his head and looking up at Korei. "To think that a hottie such as yourself would even want to see that part of a guy's body! Surely this must mean that you're an angel! You were sent down from God to make sure boys like me have hope!"

"Uh..." Korei mumbled, looking at Mineta strangely. This boy was seriously strange, and he definitely had some screws loose in his head. "Are you okay, Mineta-san?" He just ignored her and began questioning her again.

"What is it that you see in Shinsou? He's a mess and he looks like he doesn't know what water is. Seriously, he got absolutely destroyed at the Sports Festival! How could you find someone like that attractive? Not to mention, with a quirk like his, aren't you scared that he'll brainwash you and make you do something against your will? Surely that's something you've thought about, right? Are you into stuff like that?"

"Can you shut up?" Korei asked, her eyes narrowed into a glare. How could Mineta say such things about someone he doesn't even know? "Hitoshi would never use his quirk on me like that. The only time he'd use it at all is if I was a villain or some sort of opponent to him. He's not a monster so don't talk about him like he is," she spat out, standing up again. "And don't judge someone based on their failings in the past. He's going to get into the hero course and then he'll go on to become the best pro-hero there is, believe me. Hitoshi's already better than you and he didn't even have to try, and I mean all the offense to you. I hope you have a shitty rest of your day, Mineta." With that said, Korei was gone, leaving the pervert to sigh dreamily and slouch over a table.

"Is this what being in love feels like?"



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