Nightmares, Kisses, Love!

Start from the beginning

"I'll be back!" Susan exclaimed.

I nodded feeling a bit dizzy from the slight hit my head. Throbbing pain in my whole body.

Attempting to keep my eyes open, I recognize a figure jogging towards me before my bison turned off.


Opening my eyes I feel super sore, As a damp hot rag is on my forehead.

My eyes still foggy, as I reached my hand up only to have it softly pushed down.

Now who wo-

Ohhh it was Elijah, he didn't look to happy either. Wait doesn't he have a child now.

"You awake, Drink this" Elijah handed me a green looking drink. I looked at him hesitantly.

"I'm not drinking that" I looked at it engrossed. Elijah did a deep sigh before helping me sit up.

"Spill" Elijah stared me deep in the eye making me look away.

"Don't you have a child to worry about" I remarked sarcastically.

Elijah rolled his eyes "Not mine, What happened. Who did this Alvah and don't Give me some bull shit excuse" Elijah argued standing up.

The child isn't his?! I mean that was unexpected. But why would she make this up. Why would she purposely try and get closed to us.

I closed my eyes taking a deep breath "A car came out of no where....and I jumped out of the way" I mumbled before looking at my now bandaged arm.

"Shit" Elijah muttered running his hands through his hair.

"It was probably a ac-" I started but Elijah turned around with a death stare.

"ok then" I lowered in the bed.

After a hour I just sat in silence while Elijah talked to Brandon about me having extra security and shit which wasn't something I wanted. But it was for the best.

Trying to bath which was hard when one arm felt paralyzed. Realizing I was wearing one of Elijah shirts let me know he must've noticed I wasn't wearing a shirt.

Once I was in my bath, I soaked in bath salts Elizabeth gave me a while ago, so I used them.

Walking downstairs in my bunny house shoes. I seen Elijah office door opened, so I walked inside. He wasn't in there so I went to his room.

He must've just gotten out the shower from the wet hair and shirt missing.

"We should probably... talk" I closed the door behind me. "Yeah, I've been meaning to say something" Elijah sat at the edge of his bed.

I nodded leaning on the door.

"How are you feeling.. to know the baby isn't yours?"

"I don't know" Elijah shrugged.

It was hard to make conversation with Elijah, He was so closed off before we met. He still is but I can tell he's trying.

"Some people care to much... I think it's called love" I randomly remembered this quote I found.

"Winnie the pooh" Elijah chuckled.

"Look Alvah I've been thinking of ways to say this, without sounding like a cheesy romance and shit. But I love you, these last couple months I've grown a very strong liking to you that turned to something I never thought I could feel. You make me happy which is a emotion I haven't felt in awhile"

He just said he loved me...
"I think not everyone can be loved, Bad people don't deserve it. Love is overrated. Love only comes for those whom look for it"

I've never felt loved, or been in love before..

Elijah stood up walking over to where I was.

"I love you" I mumbled as Elijah face brighten for awhile.

"This is the part where you kiss me and spin me around" I said in a sarcastic tone.

Elijah pulling me in by my waist as I kissed him back. Slowly feeling the same way I felt with our first kiss. Amazing...

Elijah pulled back slowly softly kissing my jawline. Oh! Speaking of jaw line I should order one of those things to get a more defined jawline.

Playfully nipping at my neck I chuckled pushing him off.

"I'm tired" I said breathlessly falling on his bed.

"Aren't you always?" Elijah turned off the lights before getting in bed beside me.

"No" I yawned.

Elijah pulled be into his warm embrace with his arm around my waist snuggling close to me.

----- Middle of the night

Elijah kept stirring in his sleep, waking me up. His arm around my waist tightened as I turned my head looking back at him to see him breathing hard.


"Elijah" i softly said.

As Elijah jolted up from his nightmare. He was sweating and breathing heavily.

"Elijah" I snapped him out of his trance. He looked over for the first looking vulnerable.

I took Elijah into my arms hugging him basically cuddling him. I couldn't do anything but comfort him. Playing with his hair a little bit.

"Wanna talk about it?" I mumbled into his hair.

"The night I had my first kill" Elijah tightened his grip on me. "It's haunted me for awhile... "

I listened while Elijah talked about his dreams. Elijah then got off the bed and picked up his journal and ripped out a page and started drawing.

"I may watch to many Vampire diaries but I want a June wedding" I mumbled to Elijah.

"Figured" He chuckled.
I fell asleep when he was drawing something

This bitch always fainting ☹️

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