Makeups or Makeouts?

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2 week later

It's been two weeks,I haven't talked to anyone besides Elizabeth and Amber

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It's been two weeks,I haven't talked to anyone besides Elizabeth and Amber. Elijah have tried talking to me but I've been busy with planing a funeral.

My family wasn't good people, but they deserves a funeral. Everyone deserves a funeral a proper good bye.

Looking at my dress in the mirror. It was black with top lace. It hugs my somewhat curves nicely. Even though I'm kind of build like a cereal box it's fine.

I slipped on my black heels. These heels kind of hurt my feet but the funeral was a sitting ceremony. Today there was going to be storms so that matched the vibe.. I guess.

Walking downstairs I see Elijah writing in his book, as the rest of the guys were there.

"Alvah you look lovely" Brandon tried.

"I wouldn't be wearing these damn heels that hurt my feet, if y'all wouldn't have went on a mission to kill my family" I crossed my arms looking between Elijah and Brandon.

"Ok.. ok I'm ready" Elizabeth come tumbling downstairs wearing a literally thigh length black dress that was tight on her curves and her braids in a bun with a couple lose.

"Elizabeth your going to a funeral not a party"

"Hey, I'm paying my respects to dead people who didn't deserve respect" Liz defended making Brandon muffle a laugh.

"Let's go before it starts raining.


The ceremony was long and Boring, people lying about how good my parents and brother were. Just lies.

"Alvah, the daughter of the victims please say something" The last stepped off the thing. Elizabeth gave me a encouraging smile

I stepped up there, heels clicking the floor. I looked straight up to see someone with all black on and there face covered run out.

"My family, weren't the best people but they didn't deserve... well they kind of did but... wait! What I. Trying to say is. Rest In Peace" I stumbled over my words. Leaving the people shocked as Elizabeth wanted to laugh.

----- After party.

I told Elizabeth she didn't have to go, but she said she wasn't going to leave me with these people.

Walking around I ran into my grandmother "I'm so sorry dear" She brought me into a hug.

"Why haven't I heard from you in years?" I asked pulling back from the hug

"Your parents got a restraining order, so I guess since they dead" Grandma (Hanna) brought me into another hug.

"I wonder who killed your parents, the police said they couldn't investigate into it. For some reason they refuse"

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