Prologue:A New Path

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New York, 20XX

It was bright day in modern day New York. The city was bustling with a lot of action, with stores going on sale, or a new movie appeared in theaters, traffic jamming the streets blowing their horns. Not to mention it was winter, so it ten times more bustling than any day. After all the holidays are closing in.

There was individual who isn't in a very good mood today. Or any day for the matter, his name was Ronan Emerson. A simple normal guy who loves to play video games, watch anime all the sorts, and loves to go comic con whenever it comes into town, but what he loves most is learning about History on Modern Warfare, from the trenches of WW1 to today's most advanced technological Warfare. He always had a thing with history on warfare. He planned to be a military historian, but life right now isn't going his way.

A year after he graduated he was about to go to a college but then he was declined due to not having a higher standard in his studies. He tried looking for a job and that's not really going well either as his working career lasts around a month the latest. Fortunately this current job is going good so far, if only the job has a higher pay. Also he's taking part time classes at a community college.

He thought his life wasn't going as good as he thought it would but there was upside in his life when he met a girl, she was a very good friend to him during their years in high school what she didn't that  he has a crush on her, since their sophomore year. He was gonna ask her out till he found out that she only she was only hanging out with him because she felt sorry for him. When he heard that, he stopped hanging out with her ever since. She did try to talk to him but ignore her. So far his whole life right now is sh&t, but it couldn't be any worse.

As of now he went to a bookstore that had his favorite magazines. He got out a magazine that had evolution of warfare from America and the history of conflict. He doesn't know why, he's been fascinated this part of history. Maybe it was because his first movie was a action movie, maybe he liked to see the evolution in warfare, who knows. He purchased it and starts to head back home. This is one of the few that keeps him going. Doing the things he liked was the reason he is still here.

He looks across the street, and as a ghost from his past returns right front of him. There she was, The girl he had his first love and longed for is on the other side of the street clinging on to a another guy's arm, most likely her boyfriend. He clenched his palm into a fist but he lets it go. He can lower his head and pass by them without them noticing him. The sidewalk light turned green and the crowd starts moving. He starts walking as well as he moves in between the crowd and lowers his head. He was able to see them pass by, seems she didn't notice him, which is fine as she didn't see him, with that he continued on walking.

As he reaches to the other side he heard something happening behind him and saw that she dropped in the middle of the street. He shook his head as continues to walk home. But then he heard tires screeching as he looks to see a semi truck was getting out of control as the trailer was going left and right so dangerously close to the ground which can topple it over. He looks back at the street to see that she was still picking up the things she dropped with her boyfriend helping her. They don't see or even realize that a out of control truck was coming towards them down the street.

He didn't know why, for some reason he was trying to shout out to them but if he did that the truck will kill them by them. From some unknown force he started moving towards them. It felt like time slowed down all over him, he runs towards them with all the speed he can muster. He managed to push them out of the way to his relief.

Then he turn his head to see the trailer was four feet from him. He wasn't gonna make it out in time. He saw the last few seconds of his life as he sees the truck's trailer coming towards him.

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