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Bailey stood at the front door or the Barnes house, knocking on the front door. It wasn't long before she was met with with happy Ms Barnes.

She watched as her face dropped from its smile at the sight of her crying. "Bailey, sweetie, what's wrong?" She asked, letting bailey in.

"I-I'm sorry." She said, "but I have to talk to you.."

Ms Barnes nodded, gesturing for the two younger siblings to scurry off to their rooms. "What happened honey, is everything alright?"

"No." Bailey cried. "It's about Becca."

"What do you mean? What happened to her?"

Bailey leaned forward, her elbow on her knees and her head in her hands. "She-she was in an accident today." She said, "and she.. she didn't make it."

Ms Barnes froze. She didn't know what to do, but eventually managed to cry. "No.. no this has to be a joke." She said, "she was only going off to the post office!"

"I-I tried everything I could ms B, I really did." Bailey said, "but Becca wouldn't let me save her."

The two of them hugged, bailey trying to comfort the girls mother while she did the same to her. "Don't blame yourself honey." The woman said to her, "just go get yourself some sleep, your welcome to stay here."

Bailey smiled and nodded her head. "I-I'm just going a sleep in Bucky's room if that's alright." She said.

"Sure thing."


The smell of Bucky still lingered around his bedroom, his cologne that he used to wear sat on his dresser while his blankets were neatly folded on top of his bed.

She felt completely alone now. Bucky was off at war, Becca was completely gone, and Steve.. he went off somewhere and never told her. She felt lost.. abandoned.

But as her arms wrapped around Bucky's pillow, she smelt it and felt the slightest relief knowing his smell was still lingering around.

The sound of crying was heard in the living room as the youngest Barnes girls learned of their sisters death. Bailey felt guilty. She could've stopped this.. could've saved her.

Bailey frowned out the sound of their tears by her own, tiring herself out so much by crying, that she fell asleep.


The blonde had spent the next couple of months keeping in touch with the Barnes, but eventually had to actually leave since she took the job offer from Howard stark. Ms Barnes encouraged her to do it, saying it would help her cope with Bucky being gone since bailey was going to be there keeping him safe.

"Hey, before you go." Ms Barnes said, "none of us have heard from him since we wrote to him about Becca.. make sure he's doing alright, I know how bad he's gotta be taking this." Bailey nodded, the train horn blaring as it prepared to leave. "Keep safe bailey."

"I promise." She said, hugging Ms Barnes once more before running to the train.


The train ride felt like it took forever.. which it did. It wasn't until what felt like an entire day, that she made it to England. The cold weather was something she was already used to from living in New York during the winter season.

"Miss Connors, your here!" Howard said, approaching the girl that was entering the base. "Come, I've got people for you to meet."

Bailey nodded, although she would much rather prefer a nap or to see Bucky. But, arguing with Howard Stark on her first day definitely wouldn't look good for her.

So, following the dark haired man into a building, the two went to a laboratory looking room. Inside held dozens of weapons, files, and a few other scientists.

"This is where the Stark magic happens." Howard said, "i was just in New York a few months ago actually, working on a classified project. I was going to visit, but word got around that you were grieving."

Bailey frowned a little bit, but nodded her head. "Yeah, it's been a rough couple of months." She said, "so do I get to know anything about the project.. or is it an off limit subject?"

Howard smirked. "Well, if you must know, I've created a serum that will change the human race." He said. "I call it super soldier serum. It removes any diseases from the body, increases healing speed, strength, and speed. Unfortunately, I only have one remaining vile of it."

Bailey laughed a little bit, "you know, I know the perfect person who could've used that." She laughed, thinking about her small friend. "But he hasn't spoken to me since just a few months ago, hasn't contacted me, no letter, not even a warning."

"Well I'm sorry to hear about that, kid." Howard said, "but anyways, this is my good friend Agent Peggy Carter."

A girl with dark hair and eyes came into the room, her uniform tidy and her lipstick a bright red. "Good afternoon mr stark." She said to him, then turned to face bailey. "I'm Agent Carter, but Peggy will do."

Bailey smiled and shook the woman's hand, relieved to see another girl would be around. "So.. where exactly is it that I'll be working? Am I in here or..?"

"Your out in the medical tents during the day, then our nighttime nurses have the nightly hours." Peggy said. "Come, I'll take your bags to your bunk then we can get you settled, we have a lot of men to tend to after captain America's last rescue."

Bailey furrowed her eyebrows as she walked to the bunk. "Who's captain America?" She asked.

Peggy smiled, opening the door to baileys bunk house. "Captain America is the soldier that Howard used the serum on. You'd be surprised at the difference." Peggy said, "if you saw him before the serum, you'd think he was a little kid."

"Trust me, I have a friend whole small like that." Bailey said, "I don't know where he went.. but he's out there somewhere."

Once bailey had dropped her stuff off to the bunk, Peggy led her to the medical tent where a few soldiers were sitting waiting to be patched up.

"This is the last of the 107th." Peggy said before they went into the tent.

The 107th?!

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