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*skipping to the day before the stark expo/ 2 days before Bucky's sent off*

It's been a long journey since Bucky had enlisted in the military. He had to go through two years of training, leaving home for multiple weeks at a time.

Bailey always hated when he would leave. But who could blame her, she was terrified something would happen to him like he'd get hurt.

But Bailey knew that her Bucky was tough. He never too anyone's bullshit, no matter how ridiculous it could've been.

It's been a few weeks now that Bucky's been away again. Although Bailey would never admit to him, she had a couple anxiety attacks throughout the four weeks of him being gone.

Sometimes she'd be at work in the hospital, and would have to take a minute and lock herself in a room or a closet. Her co workers would notice sometimes, although they just let her be.

Bailey also would go visit Bucky's family when she felt vulnerable, knowing that if she went to Steve he would probably lose it.

Becca was always very good to her, the two bonded over Bucky. Becca would always talk about how excited Bucky was when he finally asked Bailey out, which always made the blonde smile.

As bailey laid in her bed asleep on the brisk April day, se could feel the slight movements around her. Thinking nothing of it, she tried to get back to sleep.

But that didn't work as the space beside her dipped down and two firm arms wrapped around her. "Hey, pretty girl." A familiar voice said.

Bailey jumped up at the sound of his voice, her green eyes meeting his blue ones. "Bucky?" She asked, putting her hands on his face to make sure she wasn't hallucinating.

"That one and only." He said, smiling as the tip of their noses touched.

"H-Holy shit." Bailey said, throwing herself on top of him and hugging him. "Y-your supposed to be gone another two weeks! What happened?!"

Bucky smiled and kissed the side of her head as she stayed connected to him, rubbing circles on her back. "I got my orders." He said, "sergeant James Barnes of the 107th."

Bailey giggled and sat on his lap, facing him. "Ooo, sergeant." She said, her hands resting on his shoulders. "That's hot." She smirked.

Bucky smirked. "Sure, but the weather where I'm going definitely isn't." He joked, his hands on his hips.

"So when are you leaving again?" Bailey asked, hoping she had enough time to be with him.

Bucky's smile fell a little bit, his sad eyes meeting baileys now concerned ones. "Two days, I've gotta be at the train early morning." He said, "we don't know how long we'll be gone.. but it will be pretty long."

Baileys face immediately dropped. She could feel her cheeks reddening and her breath being cut short, making her breathing heavy.

"Hey hey, Shh, it's alright." Bucky said, pulling her close to him trying to prevent her anxiety attack from increasing. "I'm all yours till I god, I promise."

"B-b-but-" Bailey stuttered.

Bucky just continued to rub her back, whispering into her ear to calm her down. "You haven't had an anxiety attack in years." He said, "when did they come back?"

Bailey sat in silence, her tears leaving small stains in Bucky's army green T-shirt.

"Bails.. you can tell me you know." Bucky whispered to her, sitting her back up and wiping the tears off her cheeks. "I won't be mad."

Bailey nodded her head as their eyes met again. "Promise?" He asked him.

"I promise."

"When you uh- when you first left." She said, "I just.. it was hard."

Bucky frowned, cupping her face with his hand. "Who knows about it?" He asked he softly, their faces being very close.

Bailey frowned as well, resting her forehead against his. "only Becca." She said, "Steve would've had a fit if I told him.. and I just- I didn't have anyone else to stop me from doing something stupid so I went to her."

Bucky grabbed a hold of Bailey again, pulling her in for another tight hug. "What do you mean something stupid?" He hesitantly asked.

"Y-you know what I mean.. Buck." She whispered, leaning the side of her head into his.

"W-why..?" Bucky asked, Bailey could hear his voice breaking up a little bit as he spoke.

The blonde was silent at first, taking a few deep breath's before speaking. "I was scared.. I was scared you'd get hurt and I'd never see you again."

Bucky sighed, holding her out so their faces met again. Tears were rolling down of of their cheeks, the brunettes attempt to stay strong wasn't exactly working after hearing that.

"Bailey, it was just training.. I told you I'd be alright." He said, wiping her tears away.

"But now it's not training, Bucky!"
She cried, "this is the real thing, and I'm terrified!"

Bucky placed a gentle kiss on her soft lips, looking her in the eyes right after. "Bailey, I will be alright. When this whole thing is over, we will finally get married and we can have kids because I know that's always been your dream." He said with a small smile, "and then we can even get a dog because who wouldn't want one." He laughed. "I promise."

Bailey cracked a smile and turned around so her back laid against Bucky's chest. "That's a big promise to make, buck." She said, "but I guess I'll accept it." She giggled.

Bucky smirked, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head on top of hers. "As much as I'd love to continue this conversation, it's very late, and I want you all rested up for tomorrow." He said, "we have a big day ahead of us."

"Alright, sarg." Baileys chuckled softly, getting comfortable and shutting her eyes. "I expect you to get some sleep too." She whispered.

Bucky smirked, reaching over and turning her bedside lamp off. "alright, pretty girl." He whispered back, kissing the top of her head. "Goodnight, darling."

"Goodnight, james."

✔️Don't Leave Me ||Bucky Barnes||Where stories live. Discover now