32 |Talk to me|

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I shot up in my bed gasping for air, I hate these nightmares with everything in me. I looked around to see that I am in my room, why am I sweating?

I grabbed the water bottle Aaron left out for me and chugged it, I stared at the floor as my mind slowly trailed off to Oliver making me start to cry.

I stood up and paced back and forth trying to calm myself down which did eventually work. My school gave us two weeks off because of the incident, it has been a week and I have not uttered a single word to anyone.

I want to talk, I really do but I can not. Everything is okay with that, deep down I know they aren't but they just don't want to say anything.

I barely eat now and if I do it's an apple slice at four am, I am aware it is not healthy. The only thing I do now is go see Spades, wake up gasping for air, get flashbacks, and feel like I am witnessing Oliver blow his head off.

I grabbed my phone to see that it is 6:01am, I called Ezra whom answered in the first ring. "Hello love" He said clearly still asleep.

I don't talk whenever I call him and he just knows what I would say, I either call him or Mike when I wake up like this, did I wake him up?

"If your wondering, yes you did wake me up but I don't mind and don't hang up as your way of telling me to go to sleep, I need to get up anyways." He said making me smile.

"I miss you a lot. Lisa wants you to visit her but you don't have to, inly visit her when your ready" He said as I walked out of my room.

He always just talks about something he likes or something I like which puts me at ease I made my way to the kitchen.

"I don't have any plans today I think. Probably going to Richards house, he has someone he wants me to meet." He said as I entered the kitchen.

"I think it's his girlfriend which is weird because Richard doesn't date neither do I but look at you being the one to make me date." He said making me smile as I looked around searching for something to eat.

"I am going to take a wild guess and say you have not eaten yet, so please go eat." He said as I picked up one of the containers that contain a sandwhich.

"And more than an apple slice please" He said as I grabbed my grape juice and began to drink it. "Grape juice is not that good but that's a debate for another day, I think you should make breakfast while I take a shower" He said.

"Don't say anything if you love math" He said making me roll my eyes. "Don't say anything if you miss me" He said making me smile.

He loves to do things like this and I find it cute. "I miss you to miele" He said. "So I am going to take a shower and you are going to make breakfast a full one with protein." He said.

I don't walk but I send emojis as an answer when needed to, I sent him a thumbs up. "I would prefer to hear your voice but this works, so i'll be back in an hour or so. If you hang up I will fail you, if you don't make the breakfast I will fail you, your choice."

I decided to make an Italian breakfast that I definitely won't eat. I made a a frittata, ricotta pancakes, and zeppole.

I sent a picture to Ezra who looked at it after he finished taking a shower. "Non vedo l'ora che arrivi il giorno, mi sveglio con te accanto a me, poi scendi e preparami questa colazione molto gustosa."
(Italian: I can't wait wait for the day I wake with you next to me then you go downstairs and make me this very tasteful breakfast)

I suppressed a smile that is attempting to come on mg face. "Ora mangialo" He said making me send him the shower emoji. (Italian: Now eat it)

I sent him a set of emojis which are a person standing which is me then then running as in me going then a pointing emoji which is you then a house, meaning I want to come over.

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