Chapter 3 {Surprise}

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I woke up to a knock on my door

Before I went to see who's outside I checked myself in the mirror

My hair made me look like the grudge

I quickly brushed it and went to the door

I slowly twisted the door knob

Then I opened it all at once

When I opened the door a loud shout came from outside

"GOOD MORNING LUCY!" It took me a second to realize it was Natsu

"Good *Yawns* morning" I said yawning in the middle of my sentence

"Oh did I wake you?" He asked his smile fading away

"Oh no I was already like this" I said in a sarcastic tone

"Well ok good" he said

"Come on inside" I said moving from the door so he can enter

"So exactly what are you doing here?" I asked closing the door

"Oh I was wondering if you wanna hangout" he said sitting in one of my chairs

"LIKE TODAY!" I shouted

My heart began to beat faster and faster

Oh my god! What should I say? Say yes Lucy say yes god damnit

"Yeah today"he said smiling again

God damnit Lucy say yes!

"Yeah sure" I said relieved

"Great! You should get ready I'll be back in an hour!" He said running to the door

"Ok bye Natsu" I said

"Bye!" He shouted closing the door

Holy crap I'm gonna hangout with Natsu!

I began to jump up and down in excitement

"Crap I should get ready!" I squealed running to my closet

"Perfect!" I squealed again

I looked at the clock to see what the time is

I realized I got ready in twenty minutes

"Geez I must be really excited!" I squealed

I walked to my desk and pulled a piece of paper out from one of the drawers

I began to write a letter;

Dear Mom,

I know I've said this before but I think by far this will be the best day ever. Know why? Well I'm gonna hangout with Natsu!! Yes he asked me and I said yes! I can't believe I'm gonna hangout with the love of my life. But I wish it wasn't a hangout I wish it was an actual date. If I actually confesse to him that I love him maybe he'll say he loves me too. Who am I kidding he wouldn't like me. oh well. But I hope this hangout will go well

Miss you mom,
Lucy Heartfilia

I took the letter and stuck it into an envelope and stuck it in a drawer with all the rest

I look back at the clock

He's ten minutes late I thought in my head

I walked to the door and opened it

I stepped outside to take a look if he was close by

But no luck

I went back inside and grabbed my phone

Maybe he's still at home and just lost track of time I thought in my head

I dialed the number and placed my phone on my ear

It rang four times and no answer I called again

Rang five times still no answer

I gave up and stuck my phone in my pocket

Then suddenly there was a knock on the door

I quickly walked to the door and slowly opened it

I was expecting a pink haired boy but instead I saw a girl with short white hair

"Lisanna?!" I screeched

Oh my god don't you just love it when your stuck on a cliffhanger I'm sorry guys but I hope you guys liked this chapter


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