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Another surprise. Tyler bought an open ticket for a mini honeymoon.

My eyes grew wide when he said this. "But...what about my job?! I can't just leave now!"

"Oh don't worry!" Gail said. "He told me about it so I talked to Marissa and she said it was fine."

I looked at Tyler and he smiled widely; his eyes shining recklessly. I only did a small chuckle and shook my head with a smile.

So as I did a small suitcase for Tyler and I, he sweetly came from behind and put a kiss on my neck. Shivers went down my spine at his warm breath and his soft voice whispering, "Where would you like to escape to, my love? I'll go anywhere with you." His hand ran up my hip and my every sense awakened.

"Why don't we go to the countryside?"

This made Tyler stand by my side with furrowed brows. "Really? I thought you hated the country."

"I don't hate it. Plus. I've never gone to your hometown. I think it'd be nice to walk through some nostalgia."

Tyler smiled and playfully pointed at me. "There's that big word again. Alright! Tennessee it is! Oh, baby. You're going to love that place—"

I knew he would go off about his hometown. But I quietly listened with a smile all the way to the plane. In the middle of the flight, I thought to myself that maybe I don't have to go to Tennessee anymore because he's talked so much about it that it's like I've been there before.

But I let his joy be mine as we arrive in his small town. "Welcome," he says with wide arms out. "To my home!"

I look at the small town around me. Despite exhaustion, I let its design keep my creative mind twirling. It's so rustic like I thought it would be. There are enough people out and they all seem to know each other.

Everyone wears boots.

I chuckle and say, "It's beautiful, Tyler. Where will we be staying at?"

"Right this way, honey." He takes my hand and guides me to a large wooden building in the middle of town. It has a funny color to it. Almost like a Western movie, but the inside is absolutely gorgeous. The smell of food coming from the small kitchen on one side of reception makes my stomach growl.

"Why if it isn't Tyler Blue?! Hey Remmy! It's Tyler!"

A man behind the small reception counter comes out and extends his arms with a wide smile. Another small man comes out of the kitchen with the same playful look and they run to give Tyler a big hug.

"Hey, guys!" Tyler says in between his laughter. He carefully pulls out of their strong embrace and says, "How's it going?"

"How's it going?" Remmy says with wide eyes. "What kind of talkin' is that, partner?!"

The other man with a childish smile does a smirk. "I swear, Tyler. When you never came back, we swore you were dead as a deer in hunting season. Out lost in the city."

Tyler laughs and shakes his head. "You two have always been some meatballs. You will never change!"

"Talkin' bout change," Remmy says as his eyes land on me. "Who's this pretty lady?" He comes over and I straighten my back with a small smile.

"Well," Tyler says with shining eyes. "This is Mrs. Blue." He comes over by my side now and puts a strong arm around me.

His friends have wide eyes now filled with surprise and then they do some sort of hoot cheer. "Golly!" Remmy says. "She is one hot biscuit!"

"Watch your mouth," Tyler says with a hint of firmness. "We came to stay for two nights."

"You staying only two days?" his other friend says. "But why? We miss havin' you here! What happened to riddin' buddies?!" He does a gesture as if he's riding a horse. I chuckle at this guy. He's such a character.

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