Start from the beginning

He'd look after you, but as I said, neither of you seemed to talk.


"You can't keep doing this to yourself" was the first thing Spencer had said to you in a month.

"I'm not doing anything bad" you mumbled as he massaged the shampoo into your hair.

"Y/n you realize doing too much of certain things counts as self-harm right? Like drinking too much alcohol counts self-harm or self-destruction and it's the same as doing too much exercise... You're hurting yourself." Spencer explained.

"I'm just trying to stay fit" you murmured shutting your eyes as Spencer washed the product out your hair.

"You're using it to pass the time... And it's not healthy, how many times have you passed out this week?" Spencer questioned, you didn't answer.
"I know we haven't really been talking, and I-I don't completely know why because we didn't get in an argument or anything, but we should start talking again... Because not talking isn't doing either of us any good."

"You stopped talking first... I just thought you were getting bored of me... So, I stopped talking to, in the hope that I could have you for just a little bit longer." You whispered feeling a tear roll down your cheek.

"Wait... Did you think I was getting bored of you?" Spencer questioned.

"Everyone leaves in the end" you sighed tiredly.
"I hoped you wouldn't, but I was beginning to think you might."

"I... Y/n-" Spencer began.

"My name's sierra now" you commented cutting across him.

"I don't care" Spencer sighed.
"I'm not talking to Sierra right now, I'm talking to my real wife Y/n.."

"I would never leave you Y/n" Spencer whispered putting down the showerhead and shuffling round the bath to face you.

"I don't know why I stopped talking, but it wasn't because I was getting bored, and I definitely wasn't thinking of leaving you."

"Then promise me, you'll never stop talking to me again" you mumbled pushing yourself up.

"I promise" Spencer murmured leaning in and pressing his lips against yours.

Carrying you into the bedroom, Spencer dried your hair then tucked you into bed. After that, he climbed into bed next to you, and cuddled you for the first time in an entire month!

"I miss the team" you mumbled rolling over and burying your face in his chest.
"I don't want to continue life properly if they're not in it with me."

"I know what you mean... I thought, maybe at this point in our marriage, we might've been considering having kids... But I don't want to do that if they're not gonna be with us too... Does that sound wrong?" Spencer asked stroking the back of your head.

"I get it... They're our family... And I screwed it up" Your voice broke as tears flooded down your cheeks.

"Us being in here isn't your fault," Spencer assured you, tightening his grip around your petite body.

"I should've killed her when I had the chance... If I see them again, I swear I kill them both without hesitation" You mumbled villainously.  

"Hey wake up" Spencer whispered nudging you.

"Ugh, what time is it?" You questioned squinting at the bright light that streamed through the windows.

"10 am... I thought about waking you up earlier, but then I had a feeling you'd be mad if the time didn't say double digits" Spencer mentioned pushing a piece of hair out your face.

Love without risk {Spencer x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now