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Sometimes, when people see a rich person, they think that they've already got everything in life. Yes, they have money, cars, gold rings, and necklaces, but the truth? They are lonely most of the time. It's hard to meet someone who isn't interested in your money. Perseus knows that very well.

Til he met Blu, the sweetest person he's ever met. She never asked for anything, including the high-end handbags and shoes that most women desire. The girl only asks that he would sit next to her and watch her play the piano. She would occasionally ask him to join her in watching the stars at night, and she would teach him the different constellations. Perseus recalls taking her to a five-star restaurant. The musician had no idea how to use the various utensils. When he found out that it was her first time eating a steak and entering a high-end restaurant, he almost cried.

Perseus is now wondering whether Blu will like or be upset with his surprise, but knowing Blu, she might cry when he sees it. He's currently inside his office, making various origami while talking with himself and memorizing the stuff he'll tell Blu next week.

"Sir, the easel and canvas boards you ordered are here." His secretary appeared with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Just put it at the black table behind me, thanks," Perseus said and went back to memorizing a love quote he found on the internet. The secretary walked behind him to the black table and placed the canvas boards on it. She set the easel next to the table and took a glance around. There are colored papers, paintbrushes, pastel paints, and..... a small white box sitting atop a keyboard. She quickly grasped the situation and asked Perseus if there was anything she could do to help him. Perseus turned down her offer of assistance and advised her to have her lunch early.

Meanwhile, Blu is making her way toward a gazebo in an abandoned amusement park. She nervously stepped inside, clutching the ends of her shirt. A man dressed in a white suit, tie, coat, and shoes stood there. All white. Making Blu shiver and look down. Despite the fact that she was facing his back, she was already trembling in fear, not because of him, but because of the promise she swore to him a few weeks before.

"Blu, how are you doing? Have you already revealed the truth to him?" The man turned around and smiled at her, assuring her. The pianist raised her head and shook her head slightly, indicating to the man that she still hasn't told Perseus the truth about herself.

"Your time is running out, Blu. You need to tell him." The man sighed as he awaited Blu's reply.

'I want to tell him,' the pianist started crying, 'but he's so happy right now. I don't want to make him cry any more than he already has. But don't worry; I'll let him know next week.' Blu wiped the tears from her cheeks that were still running down her face.

"Blu, you made a promise remember?" The girl nodded her head. "Just do what you've been told, and everything will turn out well." The gentleman smiled as he patted her on the left shoulder. "You want him to be happy, right?"

After a few seconds, the man hugged Blu and stepped back. He stared at her for a few moments before turning around and heading back to the other side of the gazebo, where he vanished seconds later. Blu also turned around and proceeded towards the entrance. Memories of what she did a few weeks ago came flooding back to her mind as she walked.

The sky is a brilliant blue. Birds singing joyously in unison. Kids running around playing hide-and-seek. Adults converse with one another while some are having a picnic on the ground. Blu placed her head on the grass, gazing at the clouds and envisioning various objects forming.

"Hey, sweetheart!" A woman in her 30s approached the girl and sat down alongside her on the grass. "Someone is looking for you."

Blu tilted her head in confusion and sat up immediately. "Who?" she asked.

"I can't remember his name, but he's the guy that wears all white and likes to play with flowers."

Blu looked around and saw Mr. A looking at her with a smile she couldn't even describe. The girl thanked the woman beside her as she stood up and fixed her wrinkled clothes. As soon as she approached Mr. A, she could already see a hint of playfulness in his smile, which she hadn't ever seen from him.

"You were given a chance, Blu."

She tilted her head in confusion, "A chance?"

The man unsealed an envelope that he has been holding the entire time, and gave the letter to Blu.

"He's suffering in a lot of pain, Blu... and you'll be there to guide him and protect him."

"Wait... I don't understand..."

"You still have one final mission before you completely disappear... and that will really be your last goodbye."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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