"So..." I cleared my throat. "Let me introduce myself. My name is Minghao. And I'm the beta of this pack, Bloodmoon Canines pack."

She looked at me in surprise. And to my surprise, she quickly went off the bed and went on her knees, kneeling before me, head lowered with no words said.

I quickly went to her, "Hey. Get up." I said as I held onto her shoulder. She quickly curled herself in defense and if I was not mistaken, she was shaking.

Not good with people, don't prefer to talk, shaking when is touched?

This can only means one thing.

"Hey, have you been abused before?"


"Hey, have you been abused before?" he asked me.

Upon hearing his question, I can't help myself but to cry. All those bad memories, bad experiences rushed back into my mind. After a while, I'm trying my best to forget everything that happen to me, trying to forget the fact that I'm dirty. And this beta just reminded me of my dark past.

"Hey..." he gently rubbed my back. Weird enough I feel comfortable under his touch. "Don't cry. It's okay. I won't talk about it anymore." His voice whispered next to my ears but I can't help but to keep crying. It hurts so much. My past, it hurts.

"You need to take a rest." He said and I don't feel his hand on my back anymore. "Forgive me for doing this to you."

What? What he's doing? Me getting panic is understandable, considering what I've experienced before this.

Just then I felt someone lift me up.

I looked up and met with his chest. His strong cologne seep into my nose. Now I realized that he was carrying me back to the bed.

I was placed gently on the bed. He pulled the cover over my body before he gently wiped my tears. "I'll have someone to bring food for you okay? You lost too much nutrient and I don't need doctor to tell me that." He smiled softly at me.

"We can talk later once you're feeling okay." He added and I gave him a slight nod.

He turned around and walked out from the room.

Third person POV

Minghao went down to the kitchen. There he met with Jihoon. "How's everything?" he asked Minghao. "Hold on a sec. I need to talk to the cook." With that Minghao went to the back and found the cook. He asked the cook to prepare a complete meal for the omega. He then went back to the kitchen island to have a talk with Jihoon.

"Not good." Minghao said.

"What do you mean?" Jihoon frowned. "The omega..." he sighed. "She might have been abused before this." Minghao told Jihoon. "You're kidding right?" Jihoon showed no surprise but he did frown a bit.

"I'm not sure. But the way she act when I sit next to her, the way she curled up in defense...I think it's possible." Minghao told the alpha.

"Well, did you ask those who were with her in the bathroom? Did they see anything on her?" Jihoon asked. Minghao shook his head, "Sorry hyung but I didn't ask them yet." "Make sure to confirm that with them. If you must, assign someone to keep her accompany. You know you will have to be with me most of the time." Jihoon reminded him and he nodded, "I will alpha."

"Jihoon hyung!" a loud voice greeted them.

Jihoon rolled his eyes, "What do you want, Boo Seungkwan?" "Hyung, Dino came up with a new dance. Do you want to see it?" The bubbly young man asked. "No." the young alpha answered simply.

But it seems that the bubbly boy didn't hear the alpha, or chose to not hear the alpha as he continued, "Let me introduce you, the world's greatest dancer, Dino the dinosaur!"

Just then another young man ran into the kitchen. "I told you not to call me that!" "Aigoo, Dino nugu aegi?" bubbly boy Boo Seungkwan, rubbed Dino's chin in a teasing manner but the other boy slapped his hand away, "Stop it!"

"Seungkwan-ah, you know he's not that young right?" Minghao asked and Seungkwan just nodded, "I know but I can't help it."

Dino nestled Jihoon, "Hyung, I heard we have an omega. Can we see her?" he asked Jihoon with a small smile. "No." Jihoon answered shortly. "Why not?" Seungkwan looked at the alpha. "Because she's not ready yet." Minghao answered on behalf of Jihoon.

"What do you mean she's not ready yet?" Dino asked but he received no answer from the older males.

After talking with Jihoon and the rest of younger males, Minghao went to find the female pack members who were there in the bathroom with Y/n.

He asked each of them about her condition.

"She has a few scratches on her back. And she has this some kind of zig-zag pattern on her back."

"When we ask, she said nothing but to stare into empty spaces."

"I noticed there are bruises thigh."

Minghao frowned deeply. Without he realize, he was clenching onto his fist tightly.

"Uhm, Minghao sir?" one of the lady called. "Yes?" he looked at her. "Your eyes..." she noticed the changes on Minghao.

He let out a heavy sigh. "I'll be fine." He then look at them, "Ask Taehee to come to my room as soon as possible. Tell her it's the Beta's order." He gave orders and the pack members bowed their head at him, "Will do, Sir!"

With that, Minghao walked towards his reading room.

*She's been abused!*

"I need answer from her!" Minghao clenched his fist.

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