6. Detention

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After our lessons we went to the great hall to have dinner. I was just sitting down when I saw Remus walking towards us.

"Fuck..." I said under my breath.

"What?" asked Harry.

"Remus is coming."

"And that's a problem because...?" asked Ron while he was chewing on some sausages.

"You forgot about her outburst in Potions Ronald?" said Hermione.

"Oh yeah..."

Remus stood now in front of our table.

"Ms. Potter can you come with me for a second please?"

"I see you after my detention I guess..." I said to the group of friends who were sitting in front of me.

"Care to explain what happened in potions this morning?" asked Remus. I must say he was not angry but more dissapointed, which hurts even more.

"It's nothing... Nothing bad at least..."

"Well it's weird you got detention then if you did nothing..."

"I just disagreed with something Snape said."

"Yeah, that's not something you should do in his lessons... I totally get why he sometimes can make your blood boil but he's one of your professors, try to obey him."

"I'll try."

"Good, now I think you have a detention to attend." said Remus. He gave me encouraging pat on the back and walked of to his office.

The walk to the dungeons took me 10 minutes, those staircases will be the death of me one day. I in front of the door of the potions class. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard a cold voice saying on the other side of the door.

I walked into the classroom. Professor Snape was sitting on his desk and looked up from the pile of papers he was grading.

"Who we have here. The rebel of the class." he said with an annoyed voice. I just waited till he assigned me a task.

"You can clean out my personal stores. Don't break anything or you'll have detention for the rest of yourlife here at Hogwarts." he said in a threatening way.

I sighed knowing this would probably be the worst evening in my whole life.

"Anything you have to say Potter?" he asked after he heard the sigh that escaped from my lips.

"No sir."

"That's what I thought. Now. Start."

I walked over to his personal stores and started to empty the shelves so I could clean them. After that I decided to organize the ingredients and potions alphabetically. When I started to organize them the door of the closet opened. Two identical heads stick out through the door.

"What are you doing here?" they asked.

I knew these guys, they were Fred and George. The brothers of Ron. I like them, they always come up with the best pranks. If you're not the victim of their pranks then they're quite fun.

"I could ask the same to you. I have detention." I said.

"We just needed some ingredients" said George.

"For the best prank in Hogwarts history." added Fred.

"I could get in trouble for this. What do you even want to make?" I asked.

"A hair changing potion." Fred said.

"Please can you help us y/n? It will be worth it!" added George.

"Good. On one condition. I decide who you're using the potion on."

The twins looked each other in the eyes and then looked back at me.


I handed them Belladonna, Netlles and one moonstone.

"So tell us y/n who is it?"

"Snape" I grinned.

"Damn y/n do you have a death wish?" George asked concerned.

"No, I'm just doing the same he does with his students. I want to humuliate him."

Fred and George grinned.

"Well we should be going right now. We will have the potion ready by tomorrow." said Fred.

"We will in the mean time also arrange your funeral." said George.

And with that they left the room.

"Is there a problem Potter?" asked Snape while standing behind me. I jumped. I've never heard him entering the room.

"No, sir. I was just talking to myself."

Snape raised his eyebrow.


After that he left the room. I let out a sigh of relief. Imagine what would've happened when he saw Fred and George.

After 2 hours I finally finished organizing his personal stores.

"You're dismissed."

And with that I walked out of the classroom. While smiling thinking of what would happen tomorrow.

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