Damian's Secret(4)

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Sorry I did not give a detailed explanation about Daminette's day at the carnival

So, I will continue their day at the carnival from when they are on the Ferris Wheel


In Paris, 

On the Ferris Wheel, Damian was having conflicted thoughts. ( Actually, he was trying to have his conflicted thoughts without Marinette noticing. He does not want to worry her )

' Should I give her the promise ring now?'

' What if she doesn't like it?'

' Angel is very stressed. What if this promise ring loads more stress onto her?'

' What if she doesn't appreciate it?'

' What if-' 

Damian was pulled out of his thoughts when Marinette shook him pointing to the starry night sky.

"Whatever, just go with the flow."

"Dami, what did you just say?" As usual, Marinette's sharp ears picked up the sounds of Damian's mumbling. It is quite unusual really. Marinette is really in tuned with Damian in an unusual way. Sometimes, Damian feels that it is a gift. Other times, like now, Damian---

"Dami, what did you say just now?"


"What did you say again?"

"Angel, you know how much I love you right?"

Marinette nodded in concern.

' That came off wrong'

"Angel, you are my world , my dream, my everything. If you left me, I would go crazy. Therefore, I would like to give you this promise ring to ensure that you promise to stay with me forever and always."

( Sorry. I'm not good at this kind of stuff. )

" Yes! I will of course! Yes! You are the 'Ying' to my 'Yang'. You are my other half. Yes! Absolutely! Yes!" Marinette nodded her head up and down in happiness as Damian slipped the ring onto her   left- ring finger.

( If the ring is slipped onto the right hand that means fiancé or you are married if i am not wrong. Hence, I put it on the left hand)


*Back in Gotham*

"Father! " Three blurs sprinted towards Bruce at breakneck speed . 

"What do you want and why-"

Bruce did not have time to finish his question before Jason interrupted him with a "Father! Demon Spawn has a girlfriend!"

Bruce's eyes widened in shock and he opened his mouth almost exclaiming "WHAT!" out loud in surprise. He regained his composure and calmly asked " And where did you boys get that information from?"

"We hacked into all the security cameras in Paris just to spy on Demon Spawn because all the trackers we hid, the demon found and crushed them." 

"In one of the footages, Tim spotted Damian with his hand around a girl and smiling at her." Dick completed breathlessly.

" I do not see why Damian cannot hang out with people his own age." Bruce muttered which unfortunately was heard by the three of them.

" The point is, the girl is that boy's girlfriend!" Tim screamed 

" They did not initiate any intimate contact."


" You know what, let's just get to the point here." Tim whispered to his brothers

Both of them nodded in agreement.

" MR BRUCE WAYNE WE DEMAND YOU TO SET UP A CLASS TRIP FOR THAT GIRL'S CLASS NOW!" The trio blurted out in unision. Apparently, they totally forgot that they will need to do a background search on her to find out which school they go to. Obviously, they did not.

" Ok boys. Fine. Which school does she go to? What's her name?"

" Oh SHIT! We totally forgot to do a background check on her ! DAMN!" Jason shouted

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