Damian's secret (1)

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It was a dark, stormy night

(Author's pov : This is kinda ironic but nvm)

Bruce was at a conference meeting that night. Thus, he will be home pretty late.

Oh well, that is not the main point just some side information.


Damian Al Ghul Wayne, youngest son of Bruce Wayne, heir to the Demon's Head, walked out from his room grinning from ear to ear while staring at his phone, making his way to the living room. 

Well, this may seem normal for ordinary people. However, Damian is not just some ordinary person, he is different from the norm. Damian stands out from the crowd not necessarily in a bad way. I myself am not sure how to narrate this. Damian stands out from the crowd not in the "outcasty" kind of way. He stands out in both ways both good and bad which earned him the name "Ice Prince". It's rather obvious though. His heart is as cold as ice. 

Whenever anyone talks to him, his eyes seem like they are made of stone. I'm not stating this physically. The only time his eyes soften (Honestly, they only soften a tad bit)and seem like they are not made of stone is when Damian converses with his family , ' best friend' Jonathan Kent, Super Boy, ( Damian does not want to admit that Jon is his best friend. He fears that it will ruin his reputation) and his fellow superheroes, Justice League. 

However, this time round the case was different. 


It is very different

Nevermind, let me exaggerate a tiny bit more.

It is SUPER-DUPER different.

Damian was grinning. The only time Damian ever grins is when he is playing pranks on his family, sabotaging them, getting his revenge or in league with the one and only Alfred the butler. Whenever anyone sights Damian grinning, they become bonkers. They become scared. Scared of what was in store for them because it was always very bad.

As usual, this time round. Their reactions were the same. 

Ok. Maybe not.

They went bonkers but even worse than before because it's always the case.



At that very moment, an extremely tired Timothy Drake walked into the living room. Low and Behold, in front of him, poor Tim saw a smiling Damian. He started to feel shivers up his spine. That was until he remembered that he came in for his beloved coffee what he was seeing might be a hullucination. To prove his point, Tim pinched himself very very hard. 

"OU--!" Tim cried out stopping halfway in fear finally realising that Damian was really grinning. Then, Tim screamed " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! DAMIAN IS SMILING ! HELP! OH NO ! THE WORLD IS GOING TO END!"

His screams unfortunately made Dick disconnect himself from his call with Kor'i and woke Jason from his sleep. In a matter of seconds, Jason was armed with his trusty sidekicks, his guns, and Dick were in the living room staring at the horror, that was Damian smiling at his phone.

Dick immediately screamed and jumped onto Tim hugging the boy or man for dear life while Jason huddled himself behind the two man in front him hiding from the view. Then, the trio opened their mouth and screamed "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" together which is obviously very deafening. So, it obviously sucks to be in Damian's place.

But, as I mentioned before, Damian is unlike any other.

He calmly stood up from his seat, turned around to face his annoying brothers and said " Shut up you annoying imbeciles, I am trying to have a conversation here." and promptly left the room leaving his brothers to process what had just happened.


So, how do y'all like that?

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