chapter thirty-nine.

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Those tests made me almost pitch myself off the astronomy tower.

No, I'm not kidding. Blaise and I were actually contemplating it. Then Draco told us they would do an assembly about us dying, so we decided against it. It was for the best. I mean, we still have a party to go to tonight.

Which is the party that we are getting ready for right now. Blaise and I also decided that we were going to drown ourselves in alcohol tonight, even if we'll hate ourselves for it tomorrow morning.

At least the Weasley twins ruined the Defense test.

I'm doing my makeup in the bathroom while Blaise is trying to mess with his hair. Draco is on Blaise's bed reading a book boredly. Riddle is at Blaise's desk trying to write the rest of our essay for History of Magic.

"Why do we have to learn about the International Warlock Convention of 1289?" Riddle asks annoyed.

"Could be worse!" Blaise shouts back.

"We could have to write about the Werewolf Code of Conduct!" I say loudly. I hear Riddle scoff.

"Lucky you two," Draco grumbles. "I have to do it on the Witch Hunts of the fourteenth century."

I drop my things and turn to look at Draco from the bathroom door. "That's actually interesting, you dusty doughnut." Blaise start laughing as Draco and I start flipping each other off.

I kick Blaise out of the bathroom to get dressed, and then we start downstairs.

✨da dwess✨

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da dwess

We go our separate ways as soon as we get drinks. Riddle has his whiskey, obviously. Blaise and I debate on what to get, and end up mixing random shit. It's surprisingly good. Draco sneers at the kid that tells him the drink he's getting is too strong to get a full cup of.

I go and sit at one of the tables. The only empty spot is at the edge across from Davis. Whoo.

Blaise sits down on the couch facing the table and starts talking to Daphne. Draco goes and starts talking to Parkinson, also near the table. And Riddle leans against the wall near the fire. We're all in the same area, but we aren't talking to each other.

I sit back and listen to people's conversations, sipping my drink every now and then. It's not eavesdropping if the people are loud enough for you to hear without meaning to. And I just don't want to get up to get another drink.

Warrington is talking to Montague about something that Riddle said to him the other day, but I can't hear what it was. Perks is talking to Greengrass about how she thinks that she definitely got good marks on her owls. Probably not, but I won't say that.

The music isn't blaring as much as it was the last time we had a party, and the lights aren't flashing as much. I guess that they don't remember how to work everything as well since I'm not there to help them. I've helped them once since Warrington and I broke up, and that was only because Daphne asked me to. If anyone else had asked me, I would have made an excuse before Riddle could. Though, since it was Daphne, I don't think he really cared.

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