chapter three.

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"Lil!" Pansy shouts over the music. I look over at her and take a sip from the drink I got. I don't know what the hell it is, but it's good. I moved to the opposite side of the room from Riddle.

"Okay truth or dare with us!" another girl shouts.

Not happening. I don't do truth or dare. I do dare. No truth. Secrets are secrets for a reason.

"I'm good," I say loudly. Most people have left but the music is still on. Riddle hasn't left his spot.

"Come on! Please! We can get the new kid to play!" a different girl says. If they were sober they would know to not call him that because of the death glare he's giving them right now.

"Whatever," I say, walking over to them. "Get over here, Riddle!" I shout.

"What did I tell you about telling me what to do?" he asks, suddenly behind me. Stealthy bitch.

"Not to," I say.

"So why don't you listen?" he grumbles in my ear.

"Because I don't follow rules," I say, sitting down on the ground. "At least not yours." Blaise drapes his calves over my shoulders. Riddle rolls his eyes and leans against the wall diagonal from me.

"Okay, Lilith," Astoria Greengrass says, moving around on Draco's lap. I have to hold myself back from gagging. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." No hesitation.

"I dare youuu tooo- flash someone."

"I'm not flashing anyone."

Blaise shakes his head. "I've never even seen her completely naked. But she's seen me- Lilith! That's so unfair!"

"Oh my god, Blaise. I saw your dick like one time," I laugh. Well, this is embarrassing.

"Yeah, but like—"

"Blaise, you see enough. You're a man whore."

He glared down at me. "You gotta do me dirty like that?"

I tilt my head back. "Yes, yes I do."

Finally off that topic. "K," I say, pretending that I'm not embarrassed as hell right now. "Draco, truth or dare? And don't be a little bitch about it this time."

"Says the one who won't to a dare. No wonder you're not a Gryffindor," Draco mutters.

"No, I just don't have a big ego. If I dared you to show everyone your dick you wouldn't give a shit." He glares at me.

We go through a few more rounds before they land on me again. Wonderful. This time it's Theodore Nott. Even better.


"Boooo," Blaise says from behind me. I flick him in the knee and he glares at me.

"Fine," I groan. I really don't want to do this, but whatever. "Truth."

"Why don't you tell anyone anything?" Nott asks.


Nott shrugs and leans forward. "You never whisper to anyone. Never tell them your secrets. Never tell them what goes on with you besides things that don't matter. And when someone does figure something out, you try to pretend it's not true." Him and I both glance over at Riddle, who's watching us. Nott turns back to me. "So, why don't you tell anyone anything?"

Everyone leans forward. God they're all so drunk. I mean, I kind of am too, but that's not the point.

"I like to keep things interesting," I say. "The less you know, the more surprising everything is."

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