chapter twenty-two.

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I'm relived when Blaise opens his dorm room door. I don't let the relief show, because the emotion still hasn't come back to me. I'm glad?

I just shut it off.

"Lil- What happened? Are you okay?" Blaise asks, taking in my state.

I look up at him and flex my hands. "Can I come in?"

"Uh-" Blaise looks to the desk in his room behind him, to the left of him. He looks back at me. "Draco and Mattheo are here, but if you don't mind then of course you can come in."

I nod and walk past him, he takes a step from his room and looks down the hall both ways before stepping back in the room and closing the door. Draco is sitting in the desk chair that he has pushed up against the wall. Riddle is sitting on top of the desk with a knife in his hands, twirling the tip on one of his fingers. They both look up as I walk through the room.

"I'm using your bathroom."

"Lilith—" Blaise starts as I walk to his bathroom and open the door. "What the hell happened? You have like no—"

"Emotion," Draco finishes for him, sitting up in the chair.

I flick on the bathroom light and put my hands on the edge of the sink, looking down at the ground. My tie comes off as I keep tugging at it before tossing it on the counter. "Fuck," I mutter, turning on the water. My hands are in the water and I'm splashing my face. I shake my hands and turn the water off. I run my hands through my hair. After I rub my face and shake my head, I walk back into the room, ready to leave.

"Woah, woah, woah," Blaise says, stepping in front of me. I try to move around him but he stops me. "What the hell is going on, Lil? Why are you acting so weird?"

I shake my head and shrug. "I don't know, okay? I didn't think this would affect me at all— I mean, when he said it I was fine. I mean, obviously I wasn't completely fine, but that's not the point. I was just working on the Potions essay because I didn't know what to do. I would be having tea with Minnie, but Potter came in, so I left."

Draco stands up and takes a few steps towards the two of us. Riddle gets up from the desk and slowly sets the knife down as I continue to talk, stepping closer to us than Draco.

I shake my head again, swallowing. "They're all going out to the courtyard because they think it's nice outside— as nice as it gets for the end of November. They're probably all out there now, but that doesn't matter."

I wipe my hands on my skirt. "I went to my dorm, but the fucking girls came up there and threw a pity party. I— I guess that's what I get for telling Dad I was fine with sharing a room with all of them. But, I couldn't handle their pity, it was ridiculous. I was about to break the window and drown myself in the fucking Black Lake. I thought— I thought I could come here just to blow off steam. No one else would come here. I just— I need— I'm fine."

"What happened?" Blaise askes again.

I finally look him in the eyes and shrug.

"He said that we should go our separate ways."

"What does that mean?" Draco asks, warning in his voice.

I think my eyes might gloss over as I look at him.

"Warrington broke up with me."

Riddle clenches his jaw. "I'm gonna fucking kill him."

"No, don—"

Before we can stop him, he storms to the door and swings it open so hard that the doorknob smashes into the wall.

"Holy shit!" Blaise exclaims, putting his hands on the back of his head.

I can hear Riddle's footsteps down the hallway, down the stairs, and through the common room.

I turn and start after him. Blaise and Draco look at each other before following me. I have to skip stairs and skip the last four to be anywhere near Riddle. We have to run down the corridors, and we still are no where close to him. Because, damn he's fast when he's pissed.

"How can you run this fast?" Blaise shouts after me.

"I don't know, adrenaline?" I yell back. "You should be asking Riddle this!"

By the time I get to the courtyard, Riddle is stopping in front of Warrington's back. I stop in one of the doorways.

"Hey, Warrington," he says loudly, getting Warrington's attention. As soon as Warrington turns around, Riddle's fist is hitting his face. Warrington's head and body swings around. He stumbles back, his hand going to his nose. When he tries to throw a punch, Riddle blocks him and punches him in the gut.

Draco and Blaise stop running behind me, breathing heavily. "Holy shit," Blaise says out of breath as Warrington gets a pretty hard punch in.

"I'm going to fuck you up, you little whiney bitch!" Riddle yells.

Riddle keeps throwing more and more punches, and Warrington only gets a few in. That doesn't mean that they both aren't getting bloody.

"You think we should stop him?" Draco asks.

"Yeah," I say, nodding. "I can't hold him back, not now." They both nod but do nothing. I gesture to Riddle, who is beating Warrington. "Do something."

They nod again before running across the courtyard to the two fighting. Blaise grabs one of Riddle's arms while Draco grabs the other and they start trying to pull him away from Warrington.

"I'm going to fucking kill you, you motherfucker!"

He pulls on their grips, trying to get to Warrington. Warrington looks horrified, and he keeps putting his hand to his bloody nose. Riddle won't stop pulling on the two of them, and he looks like if he breaks their grips, he might actually kill Warrington.

Everyone looks horrified, looking between the two as Riddle almost breaks Draco and Blaise's grips.

I huff and start towards them. I really don't want to do this, but it's the only way to get him to at least calm down for the time being.

I step in front of him and try to stop him. "Riddle. Riddle. Hey, hey." He won't fucking stop. I grab his face and make him look at me. "Mattheo."

He stops and looks down at me, still breathing heavily.

"Calm down. It's fine."

"But he—"

"It's fine. It's okay, okay? Just calm down."

His breathing slows slightly and I nod. "Come on, let's go back. We have to clean you up. I'm not letting you walk around with blood on your face."

"Oh, is he your side hoe now or something?" I hear Warrington ask, earning a few nervous chuckles from his friends.

Riddle raises his brows at Warrington, going to move out of Draco and Blaise's grips. Before I even think about it, I'm swinging around and bitch slapping Warrington's face.

There's a loud smacking sound, and everyone freezes when his eyes widen.

I turn to the other three. "Now let's go." Blaise is smiling and raising his brows. Draco tries to stifle a chuckle. And Riddle is either about to laugh of hug me.

When Blaise and Draco are sure that he's not going to lunge at Warrington again, they let him go and we start to walk back through the courtyard. People shout after us, but I have no energy to yell back.

"Everyone, get your shit from your dorms, we're staying in my room tonight," Blaise says when we start up the stairs. "And, Mattheo, please don't kill anyone."

Riddle opens his mouth before looking away and rolling his eyes.

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