Waiting Outside The Lines Part 7 (BoyxBoy)

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As always, a huge thanks to all of you for being fans of the story so far! There's something that goes a little haywire when it comes to replying to the messages on Wattpad, but I'll figure that out soon! In the meantime, I read every comment, and I want to send out a general THANK YOU! You guys are great! And I'll see ya soon with Chapter 8!

"Waiting Outside The Lines 7"

I don't know why I thought it was so CUTE to see Greyson suddenly swing his legs around and lay on his stomach with his head towards the foot of the bed, propped up on his elbows while holding the TV remote. Hehehe, maybe I was just being goofy in love or something, but the way he 'moved' was so adorable sometimes that it nearly made me giggle out loud.

"Let's see what's on. I've got a ton of cable channels and stuff on here." He said, his little sock feet rising and falling on the pillow next to me.

Without even thinking about it, I cheerfully swung around to join him. Shoulder to shoulder. And I was compelled to give him a sweet kiss on his cheek while he began channel surfing. He grinned back at me, a tiny blush appearing in his milky complexion, but he didn't really acknowledge it any other way. He always looks away from me when he laughs. I just thought it was...you know...it was this slightly bashful part of him that I quickly learned to appreciate and adore.

"OOH!" He said, his bright smile gleaming as his eyes widened in surprise. "Cool! 'Aladdin' is on!" I giggled at his enthusiasm. He was like a five year old finding a brand new bicycle under the tree for Christmas. "Have you ever seen this?" I was almost drawn in to kiss him on his smiling lips again before he could even finish asking me, but I managed to demonstrate some level of self control. More out of an awkward barrier of fear than anything resembling actual courage...but that counts, doesn't it?

I sighed, "Yeah..." Steady yourself, Evan. You've got to be good for just a LITTLE bit longer! "I mean, I've seen it before, but...not in a long time."

"Oh man, I watch it all the time. This is one of my all time favorites! I have to, like, put it on at LEAST once a month just so I can enjoy it all over again! I know EVERY word of this movie by heart, I swear!" Greyson had absolutely no problem gushing about the animated movie on the TV. I was almost worried that he'd forget all about me if he got too into watching it again. Hehehe, but...God, it was so damn CUTE!!! I was compelled to scoot just a few inches closer. Our shoulders and elbows were already touching, but now our hips and legs were pressed up against each other as well. Greyson was completely enraptured by the TV...but I was staring directly at the angel at my side, and nowhere else. My heart was pounding so hard that I was actually short of breath. Then I felt Greyson wiggle a bit as the tune from a musical number started up, and his already subduing smile got even more charming in its intensity. I leaned into him a bit, and he actually began to sing along with the song on the TV. Hehehe, he really did have an almost involuntary reaction to music. I don't think he could help it. Not that he was conscious enough of his singing to really try.

"Make waaaay...for Prince Ali!!!" He sang. "Hey, clear the way in the old bazaar! Hey YOU! Let us through! It's a brand new star! Be the first on your block to meet his eye!" Hahaha, he really did know this movie by heart, funny voices and all! "Prince Ali, handsome is he, Ali Ababwaaaaah!" He was having so much fun, I didn't want to disturb him. I couldn't help but be totally transfixed on the glow of his childlike wonder and joy over something as simple as finding his favorite cartoon on cable. It gave me a warm feeling inside. Everything that Greyson felt was so contagious. I swear, that boy must have some kind of psychic power or something to be this hopelessly addictive.

I watched him sort of snap his fingers and hit every perfect pitch, rocking from side to side, and I got to watch the whole thing like a free mini concert right there in our hotel room. How much would my friends back home ENVY me right now for being able to watch this up close?

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