"May I sit here?" L's dark voice was heard from above me. I looked up to find the detective staring down at me and putting a pale hand on the chair in front of me.

"Sure," I said, not trying to sound suspicious.

L sat down on his usual position, with his knees up and his back curved over. I needed to resist the urge to fangirl.

"Do you come here often?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think," I replied.

"You think?'

"Yeah, wait-what was your name again?"" I asked

"Hideki Ryuga," L answered.

Right, now I remember. Hideki was one of his alias. "Hideki, you mean, like the star?"

"Yes, but I am a different Hideki," L exclaimed. I nodded along. There was no way in hell that I would confuse a blonde star with the dark-haired detective.

"And what about your posture. I've never seen a person sit like that normally," I asked. "Why do you sit like that?" It was something a normal person would ask. I knew the answer, but right now, I needed to play that "normal person" role. I don't need any suspicion.

"I just can't sit any other way than this. If I sit the way other people do, my deductive ability drops by-"

"-forty percent," I finished for him without thinking. He raised a brow at me as soon as I noticed what I said. I held my breath, nervous and motionless.

"How did you know that?" L asked. I quickly thought of an excuse.

"I think I've heard you say before, ya know, to another student. We're in the same class after all."

"True," L placed his thumb in the corner of his mouth, staring through me. "However, I don't remember ever explaining that to anyone else."

Before I could create another excuse, the waitress came in with my dessert. She then notices L and asked for his order.

"Three strawberry cakes with coffee, please," he said. The waitress nodded and walked away.

"Three?" I questioned. "That's a lot of cakes."

"That's a lot of ice cream," L retorted, pointing at the bowl of ice cream.

"Is there a problem with that?" I asked, scooping up a large amount of ice cream.

"No. No, there isn't."

"So, about what you said before about your posture. You said that if you sat any other way, you would lose some deductive ability. Does that mean you're a detective?" I asked.

"Sharp you are, Miss Witch," L smiled. Ignoring the fact that he called me by my nickname, he was smiling. And to add to that, he looked cute too.

Must. Not. Fangirl!

"Indeed, I am a detective. In fact, I'm working on the Kira case." He leaned in closer toward the table.

I pretended to be surprised. I let my jaw drop a little and gasped. "No way," I muttered. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Why not?" He said, smiling. The waitress brought his coffee and cakes and left. He began to shove the cake into his mouth, but seemed to enjoy every bite.

"I-I see what you mean, but isn't it dangerous to give out that kind of information out to a person you just met."

"Just met?" He looked away from his cake and raised a brow again. "We've been sitting next to each other in the same class ever since the semester started, and you're saying that I just met you?"

I froze.

Shit! I need to come up with some type of excuse.

"W-well, we haven't really talked to each other, have we?" I asked. L thought for a moment.

"No, I guess not."

I mentally let out a great sigh. Thank God!

Scooping up another piece of ice cream, L eyed my right hand.

"What happened," he asked, pointing at the small wound on my hand. I looked at the cut and remembered Pablo.

"Oh, that. It's just a little cut from a household pet," I explained.

"Is that so?..."

I looked at L who seemed to me focused on his cake once again. At the time, he was picking at the strawberry on top of one of his cakes. I thought for a moment, remembering the Kira case and, ultimately, L's death.

Could I stop it from happening, or was that a fixed place in time? Could I save anyone?

I looked over at L, finding that he had already finished his dessert. He was now eyeing what was left of my ice cream. I pushed the bowl toward him.

"Want it?" I asked. He nodded slowly, his thumb I'm the corner of his mouth. "Take it. I lost my appetite." Without further delay, L began to scarf the ice cream down.

"Hey, Hideki?" I said.


"Who do you suspect to be Kira?" I knew his answer, but I wanted to hear it myself.

"To be honest, I suspect Light Yagami, but the likely hood of him being Kira is below five percent."

I smiled. L was really the world's greatest detective.

After L finished what was left of my ice cream, I decided to leave and said good bye.

When I got back to my house I found someone talking to Cammry at the door step. My foster mother was at the front door, holding Pablo, and nodding along to everything the man said. It didn't take me long until I realized that out was Light who was talking to Cammry. Maybe if I ran back to the coffee shop, she wouldn't notice me.

But before I could run, she caught glance of me and waved me over. I had no choice but to walked up to meet her and Light.

"There you are," my foster mother smiled. "Light has come over and wanted you to hang out with him. He said that he was a classmate from the university. Is that true?"

I nodded, silently, clutching my bag tightly.

"He's a wonderful young man. How come you never told me about him?" She commented.

"Yes, and your mother has proven to be quite interesting herself. She quite a beautiful lady," Light said. My foster mother giggled at his comment, but I just to rolled eyes. Light definitely knew how manipulate someone in his favor.

"Light, why are you here, if you don't mind me asking?" I stated,

"Oh, he was asking to see you. He was wondering if you could hang out with him at his house."

"And why is that?"

"There was something that the teacher gave me that I'm having a lot of trouble with. I thought you could help me with it. Two heads are better than one, right?" Light smiled. I chuckled lightly.

"Surely if you don't understand it, I wouldn't either. I wouldn't be much help," I said.

"You never know."

"And why must I go to your house, hm? If you needed help with something, you could have brought it with you here."

"Oh, stop complaining," Cammry huffed, slapping my back. I winced in pain as she let out a loud laugh. "Just go with the boy. What's the worst that could happen?"


"Fine," I muttered, knowing that I had no other excuse.

"Great!" Light smiled. "Please follow me. I'll guide you to my house."

"R-right," I said, nodding. For all I know, I could be hammering the last nail in my coffin.

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