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Anirudh POVs
My eyes widen girl she was in my sight whom I pray I never saw, for few minutes there was dead silence I was looking at her she was also with unknown emotion which I can't figure out but I was sure that it was not "hate" but she quickly recover and murming a good morning sir she stand again waiting for me to start interview,she is serious after many years she look at her love but she didn't have any bit emotion oh sorry I'm joking she never love me I was the person who love her but now fate change I didn't love her anymore if I want I instantly can out from my office but I didn't want to ,I want her not in love but in hate I want to show her what she done to me.
I quickly make a call and said to my manager that I already selected my personal assistant and I sent all remaining candidate back.
"Congrats you got as my personal assistant come in my office from Monday to Friday sharp 8:00 am in morning upto 8:00pm you can go now"saying this I throw her file I know I was rude but not much which she did...
Compare to that it was not much I listen her cursed but didn't mind in meantime when she was arranging her paper I look at her she was looking more beautiful then before she has now straight hairs and her hairs were in pony can't she just open her hair's,then her face ,her those black eyes, button nose,and beautiful lips I don't look lower because if I then I will do the things which I have tk regret later.
She left and immediately I started feeling empty.
Bondita POVs
And here sitting the person whom I hate most how badly I recovered with my past but now he was my boss If I have money I didn't even look at him but I badly want a job now, I quickly recover and murming a good morning I wait for him to start interview. He was taken back but quickly recover and then went in deep thought and call u take the time to look at his face he was now more handsome thenv before his eyes ,nose,his breath and the pink lips which are badly invited he has six pack I remove my. Dirty thought and listen on phone he was saying to person to cancel all the candidates.
And then tell me that I got job speaking quickly my Schedule he throw my file on floor
I bent down and start arranging my file I can feel his intense gaze but quickly taking file I move from there
I don't I should be happy that I got job or sad that I have to be with the person to whom; one time I Love

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