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Anirudh POVs
I was moving to my first class but I was too nervous not because of class because of bondita confession,I don't know what she wil say but if she say no I will accept and respect her decision.i soon complete my class my this period was vacant so I thought to complete work in staff room,there was phone call of som,he never call me in school time but his second period teacher is vacant so I think he would have some work I cut the call and send him message
Don't call me send message
In no time his message came
Bondita is going to propose you today
Are you joking
No I'm dead serious now prepare because she is going to say yes and Don't dare to say no because she is my bhabhi
Like seriously I will say no
Wow I really like her.
I was excited and was busy in work I want to become a lawyer,and I know one day I will ,I already join exam and soon results will come so I decided to be a teacher I was talking when door open I was thinking she was bondita but to my bad luck she was Poornima,I really don't like this lady from starting she was flirting and always clinging on me, I'm very angry to her she never give respect to bondita I was going to go back to anywhere else but she hold my wrist I look at her waiting for her to speak but she came so close and her that bad sent I really want to vomit but before I could do something she
"I love you"she said
"And I don't"I really don't what lady she is I already tell her that I like someone else but this lady.huh anyway why should I waste my time on her.
Before I could say or move she came very close and our forhead was touching I don't know what she was doing but she smirk and then touch her lip with mine in just two second I realised and seperate myself from her and I don't What came in me I shout at her and then came out from room I was furious at her but mre and more confused why she was smirking,I really don't know but right now I just want to go to Home,
Next day....
I was in temple I saw bondita in garden and happily move toward her I know she was going to confess her love to me yesterday but I went but not now but before I could say she was trying to go but I hold  her wrist and try to stop her but she back and all I could see  only
Anger,pain,and most hate for mee????.
Before I could say she give me a slap and then started shouting on me .
You ,you how dare to touch me I don't want to talk to a person who didn't have heart you just get out fro my side .
I was confuse but try to say a word but listening her next word make my anger boil ,
"I know you never love me you just love my money I really don't want to look at you,you are not person but  monster " she said each word with so much hatred and now I want to stand here before she could say more I left from there,I don't want to listen and speak anything can't she see love in my eyes,how could I forget she was rich and I'm just middle class boy who live with his family........
I left her
I left from there
I don't know
What I did
But I didn't want here.
I think it's a true a lovestory never became love is only pain

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