The rest of the afternoon both Gabby and Quinlan watched Gillian's every move, for two very different reasons.
Gillian was busy packing her equipment away when Gabby gave a shriek of delight. "Gill you and your boyfriend are coming over for dinner. Do you know how long I've wanted to say that! You and your boyfriend Callan are coming to dinner." Quinlan winked at Gillian. "What my darling wife means to say is, would you like to come over for dinner?" Gillian smiled. "Sure I'll just check with Callan in case he has any plabd."

Gillian pulled her phone out her pocket. She opened a text from Quinlan.

'Fake a call, say he said he'll bring dinner. He won't answer now. Ps delete this.'

Gillian gave a small nod and walked out of earshot to fake the call, feeling quite stupid doing so.

"He'll meet us at your place, says he'll bring food." Gabby grinned and clapped her hands. "Sounds good, just not pizza please we had that last night." Quinlan once more winked at Gillian. "I'll text him, anyway want to ask him to pick something up for me. Are you coming with us Gill or do you have more shoots today?" Gillian slung her camera bag over her shoulder. "Nope I am officially done for the day, if it's good with you guys I'll come now." Gabby looked like she'd burst. "That's perfect then I can get all the details before Callan arrives..."

Gabby hadn't wasted any time, she had steered Gillian outside with an order to Quinlan to deliver wine within three minutes. "So spill already! How did it happen? Did he ask you to be official? Was he any good? Does he have the stamina that Quinn has? Is he also gifted? Come on Gill I want to know it all!!!" Quinlan had laughed behind them, handing them their wine he gave Gabby a kiss. "Gabs, you do know that Callan is my identical twin brother?" Gabby shooed him away, adding as he left; "also that doesn't mean that everything is identical!" Gillian laughed; "Gabs you awful, why on earth do you need to know all of this?" Gabby rolled her eyes at Gillian. "Seriously, you are wasting time. I'm sure Callan will be here soon and then I won't be able to get you alone so spill already!"

Gillian sighed, took a sip of wine and caved. "Gabs, I can tell you that stamina definitely runs in the family and Callan like Quinn is rather blessed." Both women rolled their eyes in delight, Gabby laughed. "I told you..." Gillian touched her glass to Gabby's; "yes my friend you did, but I never expected all of that. I would have no problem being locked in a room with him for the rest of my life... Why didn't you tell me about this dream?" Gabby shrugged. "I didn't want to scare you away, I'm sure Cal will tell you the whole dream. I know he had it long before Quinn even met you... he hadn't seen your face in the dream, he always just described your smell and the babies that you held in your arms. The night I introduced you to Quinn, Quinn knew that you were the woman that Cal dreamt of. He told me that night, that my best friend would become my sister in law." Gabby wiped her eyes, Gillian hugged her best friend. "Did he not know we've been sisters all our lives?" Gabby smiled. "Gill, you'll finally get to be a mom. I know I go on about how good the sex will be but that man was made for you, I'm almost jealous because I know that he is going to treat you like his queen for the rest of your life." Gillian looked at the glass in her hands. "Know what Gabs, I think this might be my last glass of wine for a while..." Gabby laughed. "Good. Now details please. You haven't given me enough."

Gillian didn't stop smiling as she gave her best friend the summary of the dinner that let to the best sex of her life. Gabby got a checky grin. "So is Cal better than John?" She asked as Callan walked out into the garden. Gillian laughed and whispered in Gabby's ear. "By far the best I'll ever have." Callan pulled Gillian into his arms and kissed her, Gabby gave a laugh of delight. "See I told the two of you, you belong together." Callan kept his one arm around Gillian as he kissed Gabby hello. Gabby held his face. "Who hit you?" Callan winked at her; "don't worry about it Gabs, the other guy looks a lot worse." Gillian flinched. She knew Callan was most likely not joking. Gabby simply laughed and said; "I bet it was that Anthony dude, I knew you were jealous that there was another man interested in your Gillian."

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