I look around the dining room, and she brings over pancakes and a piece of pie to the table. It's never too early for dessert in the morning. She even brought out the homemade maple syrup, and it turned out absolutely delicious. I don't talk much during my meal, so it looks like she took the hint, though, seeming sad and disappointed. I try to sound blasé, but I know I am hurting her feelings about the whole thing. I feel guilty, but she's not answering me about getting back to the surface. Her body language tells me she doesn't want to either.

I may have called Stephanie and let the cops know where I am, but this cavern was undiscovered for over two hundred years, even when they were building the tourist trap that sits on top of the mountain. Do they think they can dig through this place? The entire cavern was left untouched, hidden, and must have a strong magical barrier for some reason. Something is making this place almost impossible to get out of here too. Well, the best way to get answers from someone who won't divulge is to be as friendly and courteous as possible. The more someone likes and thinks you are kind, the more willing they're to share things unwittingly. It's a bit mean-spirited and not my way of doing things, but what else can I do?
"I don't know much about you. May I ask, what is your name?" Said Toriel with a smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's Frisk Jones."

"Frisk is a beautiful and unique name."

"I would think so. I'm the only person I know with the name. My name was a combination of my mother, Francesca, and my dad Isaac."

"Do you love your family?"

I stare at her. "Yeah, they were great! They were supportive and ambitious. I learned a lot from both of them like, Spanish from my mom, and my dad taught me about reading people for who they are. I love them."

While I don't know her well, I wouldn't want to wear out my welcome, and I want to get back to my life. I have auditions, tryouts, and for Pete's sake, I have rent to pay. Regardless of what's going on down here, it's where I belong, and the mystery man or anything won't derail me going home. She left me alone at the kitchen dining table after picking up her dirty plate, signaling the end of the conversation.

The way that Toriel was acting, I think, no, I knew she was hiding something, had some strange reason for not telling me. She knows how to get me out of here, but whatever it is, it's hurting her. Maybe I just need to explore the house now that I'm feeling better. After finishing my breakfast, I take my plate to the kitchen and leave it on the counter. I take a peek at Toriel, who was pointedly ignoring me, so I decide maybe I'm not going to keep pushing her and instead let her choose when to talk to me.

Even though Toriel never gave me a full-fledged in-depth tour, I at least had a feeling of where I was going since I saw most of her home last night through my worn-out mind. The hall was painted yellow, kind of like the room I was in. As I walk to the end of the hall, I notice a wide-open door. My curiosity piqued; I look inside and see that it's fully furnished. It must be Toriel and her husband's room since the bed was enormous! Big enough for the giant goat lady and her husband, that's for sure. I see the room has a touch of them both regardless of not having met the husband yet. There was a medium-sized bookshelf brimming with books. There's even a book on human history, yoga, medieval weaponry, gardening, and oddly some joke books. There was a dresser with a vanity seat and an assortment of makeup and beauty products, with some labeled with a brand called MTT. There was MTT Horn Shiner, MTT Fur Enhancer, and MTT Teeth Whitening and Floss. I think ruefully to myself that beauty products will always be a thing no matter where you go.

"Frisk, where are you? Can you come into the living room for a moment? I need to take some measurements." Oh god, what is she up to?!

There I was, standing on a stool while Toriel took measurements of me with a cloth tape measure. I feel uncomfortable, ridiculous, and it didn't help that there was an awkward silence. Someone needs to break the ice, so I might as well be the one to do it, right?

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