Kirishima X Uncomfortable Y/N 🖤

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Gender Neutral
1 Part
Warnings: Language, Mentions of sexual assault,

Kirishima ADORED his S/O more than anything. He would do anything for them, and they've only dated a about 6 weeks now. His friends would tease him for days on end for doing something cute for Y/N but he didn't mind, knowing it got Y/N to smile.

Y/N loved the things Kirishima did for them, but there was something Kirishima didn't know.

A few years back, Y/N was sexually assulted by their "friends." It traumatized them and they were very scared for those things to happen again.

Being touched scared Y/N, so they jumped a little whenever a hand landed on them.

Kirishima noticed this one day and asked about it, but Y/N brushed it off as him startling them because they were deep in thought. Kirishima apologized for a second and then moved onto the homework.

One night, Kirishima and Y/N we were watching Attack On Titan (or preferred show/movie) as a small date. Kirishima suddenly put an arm around Y/N and pulled them close, kissing their neck gently.

Y/N kind of froze, unsure of what to do. It wasn't that they didn't LIKE it... It just made them uncomfortable. But Kirishima pulled away from their neck and looked back to the TV, rubbing their arm.

"You're beautiful, you know that, right," Kirishima asks, not noticing that they were uncomfortable.

"Uh, haha, yeah," Y/N answers, a little shaken up, past memories coming up. They tried to ignore it but it was hard.

Kirishima noticed now, and looked at them. His smile dropped.

"Hey, are you okay? Did I do something wrong," he asks, genuinely wanting to know what he had done to fix it, after seeing them uncomfortable and seemingly, upset.

"No, no, I'm fine, really... I guess I just didn't see you kissing me like that coming so suddenly," Y/N says, now feeling kinda stupid for feeling that way.

"Shit, you're right, I should've asked or something. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he says as he removes his arm off of Y/N, to give them some space. "I'm sorry."

"Oh god, you don't have to be sorry. It's okay, you didn't know. It's just uh... It's a personal thing, I guess," Y/N whispers the last part, kind of scared to open up about it.

Kirishima looks at them for a second. They looked like when Bakugou did when he was having PTSD about being kidnapped. Just out of it, not in reality, but not showing any telling emotion about what they were feeling. Luckily, Kirishima knew how to help them with it after helping Bakugou those 2 years ago.

"Do you want to talk about it," Kirishima spoke softly, careful not to be loud. He knew Bakugou hated it when he was loud during his episodes.

"Oh no, I don't want to bother yo-," Y/N was swiftly cut off.

"You're not. Talk to me, Y/N. You can trust me," Kirishima says, eyes not leaving his
S/O. "Only if you're comfortable with it, of course."

"Yeah, I trust you," Y/N said softly before sitting up to get more comfortable.

Kirishima moved to sit in front of them on the floor, so he could face them, letting them know he was listening.

"A couple years back, I was hanging out with two of my so called "friends" and they started acting weird all of the sudden. I kinda ignored it, not wanting them to misunderstand me or something like that, I don't remember. But we got to my place and one of them asked if I was home alone. I said I was, not knowing my (sibling/other family member) was there. We went up to my room and started watching a movie when they both started getting really touchy."

"When I asked them to stop, they didn't but ended up pinning me down. I yelled at them and (the family member from before) heard, and got them off of me before they could move further... I mean, I guess it's stupid to be upset when nothing really happened," Y/N says, making themself feel even more dumb.

Kirishima was quick to speak up. "No, no, no, you have every reason to be upset. That was extremely shitty of them. I am SO sorry that happened to you, babe. And I'm sorry I touched you like I did without your permission, that was very unmanly of me. But I promise, I won't do that again and I will never touch you without your permission. I want you to be comfortable and happy with me, so if I do something wrong, feel free to smack me."

Y/N can't help but chuckle. "I'm not gonna smack you, Kiri. And it's okay, it made me a little uncomfortable, but you didn't know. I'm okay now. I would very much appreciate you asking my permission. It would make me feel better," Y/N said, gently grabbing their amazing boyfriend's hand.

Kirishima rubbed small cirles on Y/N's hand, smiling softly before speaking up once again.

"Can you tell me what makes you uncomfortable so I know what to avoid? I want to make sure you feel safe, comfortable and happy with me."

Y/N is happy that Kirishima understands and is trying his best to them comfortable with him.

"Yes, of course I can," Y/N says before pulling him up on the couch with them.

The two spend some time talking and Kirishima listening to every word Y/N says, careful to not miss anything so he won't mess it up with the person he was sure he was falling for, if he wasn't in love already.

Y/N can't help but think how they're going to spend the rest of their lives together if he keeps this up.

I feel like Kirishima would be so understanding when it comes to things like this. He would do whatever you'd like, just to make you comfortable with him. He loves you and nothing would stop that.

If you want to leave any ideas or requests, I don't take them from comments. I take them from my instagram DM's.

Instagram: Denkisbestie726

If you want credit for said ideas or requests, ask for it, or it will not be given.

I do take criticism from anywhere if it isn't presented ignorantly, so feel free to leave it.

Have a nice day babes 😙





WC: 1090

Next: Mina

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