Chapter 67: What the World Needs Now

Start from the beginning

"And we all go the way of Marlow and Alexandra," Paula finishes, and I gulp nervously, then gasp when a shrill whistle hits the air.

"That's it. Head up the staircase to your left to level 2," Sam instructs. "Go, run!"

We take off, Peter sprinting and dragging me along with him, with Paula and Jody behind us. I know Peter wants this to go well for Sage's sake. He's become extremely close to him and seems to have put in a lot of trust in him and his methods. I can't really blame him. Sage was willing to help me when I told him about my immortality almost immediately, and because of him and his work, I'm mortal again.

Which is why I wince whenever the bandages around my chest rub against my sensitive skin. I have topical medicine to help keep it from scarring, but it still hurts quite a bit and will until it's healed. I forgot just how much of a nuisance a burn wound could be. I'll have to get used to it, obviously, but still, I thought I'd be more prepared for this pain.

I've dealt with it before, and I can do it now. After Van Ark tested on me, I didn't actually start healing quicker until much, much later. I sustained wounds and just had to deal with them, and I can do the same now.

Although I think after this mission I can speak with Sage and get that test to see if I really am mortal again, plus I need to ask if this will affect any of the other abilities I got from Van Ark's treatments, like being strong enough to punch through metal.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind if that part stayed. Could come in handy.

We reach level 2 pretty quickly, just like I knew we would, and head down one of the corridors.

"How are we doin' for time, Sam?" Jody asks.

"You are still on schedule. You need to evac the delegates from the main conference room, which... it looks like you've just reached."

We get inside, and my eyes widen at how big this room is. It's got to be the size of a cathedral.

"Wow, this is really beautiful. All polished metal," Jody says in awe. "It's so bright."

"They store oil in here," Peter remarks. "It has to be polished to stop impurities getting into the supply. That's it, ladies and gentlemen. Just uh, head for the lift. Uh, Five, can you hold the doors open for them?"

He lets go of me so I can open the doors and everyone in the room can file out.

"How do you know about oil rigs?" Paula asks as people walk past her.

"Sage just thinks that everyone should learn as much as they can about the affordances of the world, and how things work. It can save a life."

I remember all the things Nicole told me she was taught while she was at the A.M.T.B. Her extended time there allowed her to learn about a lot of things, and I'm glad she's on Abel's side, since she has a good bit of medical knowledge as well as knowledge about certain poisons and weaponry, along with the ability to be an operator or runner.

"It's true," Sam agrees. "Four people at Exmoore survived by hiding under the manure, breathing through straws for two days. Masked the smell."

My stomach lurches in disgust.

"Did you know New Canton's comin' to this peace conference?" Jody snickers as she tucks a blonde strand behind her ear. "Amelia, workin' together with other humans."

"She's probably just trying to angle her way to being leader of the UK," I scoff, which gets a laugh from her.

"Can you imagine? Amelia Spens, prime minister? To be fair, she'd be good at knifing people in the back. Have you heard anythin' from her about it, Peter?"

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