The (Y/n) meeting

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You sat up from the cold floor you were laying down on.

What the heck

You glanced around the room, trying to figure out where you are, and what the frick is going on.

Might as well stand up and try to find something.

You saw a door right on the end of the room. 

So you approach it

Because that'll be the only sensible thing to do

Unless you have no common sense

Oh wait

You lost that as well


Upon approaching the door, you click open its door knob.

And poke your head in.

Only to meet you, but there's a bunch of you

"What the frick", you said.

When I said 'you said', it literally means all of the (Y/n) in the room said that as well.

"Who the frick are all of you"

"Why are you me"

That was theoretically a dumb question

"Well, lets get introducing then", the first (Y/n) that was seen to be using an astronaut suit spoke up.

"I'm (Y/n), as you might know. I show up in the very first chapter".

"(Y/n), fourth wall breaking ?"


You rubbed your eyes and pinched yourself.

There's literally a dozen of (Y/n)s that uses an astronaut suit. 

What the heck author

The next one spoke up, this time they have like those type of clothing you use to hunt ghost.

"Pretty much having the same name, but I'm from chapter 2"

"Fourth wall breaking ?"

"Its apart of the introduction, shut up (Y/n)"

Its official

You are insane

Oh wait, you never even were sane

The introduction continues on. Pretty much the (Y/n)s introduced themselves in chapter order.

A competitive and anger issue (Y/n) 
A (Y/n) that you labeled as a villager because why not
A junior (Y/n)
Another space suited (Y/n)
A (Y/n) that looks like she hasn't gotten any sleep for a year
A sick (Y/n) (also please stay away from me covid)
An engineer (Y/n) 
A hallucinating inventor (Y/n) 
A clumsy (Y/n) 
A danganronpa like (Y/n) (complete with the antenna the author planted which belongs to Kaede and is passed down)
A minecraft (Y/n)
A ghost (Y/n) (who won't stop bothering you for some reason)
An exhausted (Y/n) with space outfit again and has blood all over them holy crap
A (Y/n) with a Saiko No Sutoka uniform :D
A senior (Y/n) who looks like she just got stuffed into the locker 
A cheerful and hyperactive (Y/n) with the same senior uniform
A (Y/n) who seemed to hate the crowds and is distancing themselves
A stern and strict looking like (Y/n) who seemed like that teacher pet type
A (Y/n) with a blue and pink striped sweater 
A (Y/n) with work outfit (she looks older than you :0)
A tsundere (Y/n) (Osana-chan is that you ?)
A (Y/n) who seems so insecure holy crap

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