Evidence ? (SockSMP) (Nadwe) [OLD]

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(Nyeh I skipped alot of things since I dont like the ideas I put in there and they're just cringy in my opinion so I decided to skip ahead  a few episodes of the Sock SMP) 

(And addition, I changed nearly all the convo in here since I'm having a hard time trying to remember everything from the stream and everything that happen in order- so forgive me-)


You hold in a laughter seeing Meme and Socks crouching under the floor while facing each other. The tension is serious since a war is still happening above the ground in Meme's medbay. Meme had a serious look on his face and so is Socks. Meme just mentioned that he may have proof to show that Socks and you are innocent. 

"Look, I'm being serious Socks, I may or may not have proof you and (A/n) are innocent. Sadly, the proof is in my medbay which your army is destroying". Meme huffed as he glance up after hearing a loud crash from above. You and Socks glanced up also since the ground above you rumbled a bit. 

"Like as if I'll believe you after all the things you've done to me", Socks snapped back at Meme. Blaza's screams can be heard from above, followed by the sound of crashing and rumbling again. You started to worry if the ground above you collapses on top of the 3 of you more than Meme and Sock's silly argument. 

"No look, you gotta believe me on this one. Someone else might be behind this", Meme pleaded. "Pull back your army, and we can deal this nicely-", Meme's words were cut off. "Nicely ?! Nicely Meme God ?", Socks let out a laugh. "- I believe its someone from my side", Meme continued on. As soon as those words came out of Meme's mouth, Sock's laugh stopped. Your eyes widened hearing that. 

"Please, stop your army and I'll show you what I mean", Meme pleaded once more as another crash was heard. Socks went silent after hearing that so you decided to take action. "Blaza ! Pull back the army. We're gonna deal this with no violence !", you called out as you stood up from your crouching position and call out to Blaza. Blaza looked at you with a questioning look asking for confirmation. You nodded again to confirm and with that Blaza pulled back the army. 

Socks and Meme followed behind you and silently watch as the battlefield slowly clears out. Time to find out what this "evidence" is. 


"Okay, now this is the proof.... where did my screen go ?", Meme gawked at the now empty wall where the screen was usually at. You and Socks switched glances, recalling the time you gave the idea to prank him by breaking the screen. "You know what, never mind. I have another screen anyways", Meme grumbled out as he put a new screen on the wall. 

"Hey, Meme ! The army has backed off... (A/n) ? Socks ?", Nadwe questioned as he enter the medbay. You gave him a light wave and Socks only glanced back. "Hey Nad ! I uh- we are sorry about the army earlier- it was for war but then we lost half of them", you nervously chuckled while elbowing Socks. Socks only huffed at your action and stared back at the screen where Meme is trying to operate.  

Nadwe's expression seems to light up a little. "Nah, its too easy. I take down half of the army myself !", he smiled proudly. You only chuckled at his words. "Well, that's good then", with that you turn your attention back at Meme who finally manage to turn on the screen. 

"Doctor Olivia ? Hello, Doctor Olivia ?", Meme called out to the screen as he walk away from the control panel and towards the screen. You raised an eyebrow. "Doctor... Olivia ? Who is she, Meme ?", you asked as you look around the medbay, hoping to see someone stepping in to the medbay, but no one did.  

An AI like voice then answered. Meme gave a satisfied smile before continuing. "Okay, now present the evidence that I've been tracing down recently". The AI seems to process the words for awhile before answering. "Scanning hot furrie-", the AI's voice was cut out. "No no no no not that one ! I meant the other one !", Meme yelled as he started to heat up and nervously spamming the control panel. The three of you couldn't hold back the laughter as it burst out immediately. 

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