Thunders, Lightning and Comfort (Tbh)

462 18 22

(Trust me, thunders and lightnings are one of my biggest nightmares ;-;) 

(I was writing this in the middle of a huge rainstorm so yes)

(So have wholesome crab man moments while I'm cowering in fear :>)


The gray clouds were like a thick carpet covering the sky from outside the window as you stretched your arms and slightly yawn due to boredom. Currently, you are over at Tbh's house. He called you earlier and told you that he is bored and wanted to hangout with you, so you agreed. And here you two are. Just staring to the wall across you.

Well, earlier you two were having alot of fun playing so many random games, but then it started to get bored so the two of you stopped playing it and are now having a 'staring competition' with the wall (that's what Tbh call it). 

A slight rumbling sound from the outside makes your heart pace fasten. You have... a slight fear of thunderstorms and lightnings. It just can be very scary for you from time to time. And you never told anyone. You'd mostly cower in your bedroom when it happens, and you don't want to start by letting Tbh know. What'll he think of you by then ? 

You stood up from the floor and straightened your clothing slightly before glancing at Tbh. "Hey Tbh, I think I should be going home, since its gonna rain sooner". You excused yourself. Tbh nodded and stood up as well. "Sure thing (A/n) ! I'll grab an umbrella for you incase it rains middle way". He stated before accompanying you to go outside. 

As if in cue, as the door was unlocked, the rain started to pour even heavier and making it seem like as if there was a very thick fog clouding over in front. You nervously gulped seeing this since you know it'll be impossible for you to walk through all the raindrops that almost seem like bullets. 

Tbh immediately closed the door to not let in anymore raindrops and sighed. "Well, I guess you'll be stuck in here until the rain stops, (A/n)", he gave you a smile to cheer you up. "But hey, don't worry ! We could do many fun things to pass time ! Like, maybe watching a movie ?", he offered before dragging you towards the TV. 

You nodded in response as you started to tremble and sweat. A flash of bright light flashed right outside the window before a loud bang was heard. Which immediately scared you half to death. You crouched down in fear and covered your head as well. Tbh saw your actions and immediately run over to you before giving a hug.

"(A/n) ? What's wrong ?", he asked with concern laced on his voice. You were violently trembling, and you are sweating as well. Your heartbeat was very fast that it could be heard slightly, and your breathing was ragged and uneven. 

Tbh still held you in a hug and silently mumbled out comforting words to you. "Its okay... take deep breaths (A/n)... I'm here..", he whispered to you whilst still holding you. Its slightly hard for you to process things during these times, but you manage to take control and slowly take deep breaths.

After a few more minutes, you slowly lower down your hand and crouch down there silently. Tbh still didn't let go when asking you. "You okay ?", he asked with concern and worry laced on his voice. You slightly shook your head. There's no point in hiding it anymore. Its too obvious. 

"Well...", you stopped and took another deep breath. "Hey, its okay if you don't want to tell me", Tbh smiled at you, which slightly makes you feel better. "How about if we sit down in the couch ? It'll be much more comfortable than crouching down in the floor, right ?", he joked slightly. You nodded as a response before he gently lead you to the sofa and sat down next to you. He still held your hand, which is actually quite comforting.

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