Working up (Woolfster) [OLD]

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(This is dedicated to a certain... someone from youtube. They make very nice arts and cool animations. My friend also requested this so hope you enjoy this chapter !)

You sighed as you threw another crumpled piece of paper to the wall. A sulk made it out of your mouth as you buried you head to your folded arms at the desk and let out a sigh. Dark, black bags hang under your eyes as you let out a yawn for the 13th time.

You are an animator, known as (A/n). Of course, it was a (rip off/far difference) from your real name, (Y/n), but honestly, it made you feel more confident.

You never really were popular among your classmates, but you have a talent for drawing and animating. Its just that, seeing people put so many hopes on you and your creations, you pushed yourself a bit too far oftenly.

Many of your friends like Woolfster and Dino tried to remind you about your health and sleeping issues, but you never really listen. You just wave it off at them and telling them that your fine and you're fit to still do animatics.

Now was day 3 you didn't get any sleep. You only ate a granola bar you put next to your desk. You barely drink any water. And now you just felt like crap. You groaned as you stood up and wobbled to the bathroom for your toilet breaks.

After finishing your business, you went up to the mirror and stared at your reflection. Honestly, you don't only feel like crap, you literally look like crap. Your hair is messed up and tangled, bags hang underneath your eyes, and your clothes are wrinkled here and there. You shook It off and splashed your face with a little bit of water before returning to the room to continue where you left off.

But as you plopped yourself down in the chair, a sudden doorbell from your apartment room was heard. You stood up and walked towards the front door. You didn't even bother to peek in the peephole as you opened the door to the unknown visitor.

"Hey, (A/n)- What in the world happen to you ?", the visitor turns out to be Woolf. His eyes widen realizing on what state you were. You leaned in the door frame for support and gave a thumbs up. "Nothing, just finishing my projects. What's up ?", you asked smoothly, hoping to get Woolf to forget and move on about how crappy you look.

But nope, Woolf cant let you go this far. He gripped on your shoulder and sternly asked you. "(A/n)... when was the last time you slept ?", he asked. You avoided his glance before nervously shifting your feet. You were about to answer as you opened your mouth to speak, but suddenly, the world around you seemed to spin in a quick blur. You stumbled a little before gaining back your balance by holding onto the door's handle and being caught by Woolf in time.

"I don't know... 2 or 3 days... I think ?", you mumbled out while rubbing your eyes. He face palmed with his hands before gently leading you into your apartment and closing the door behind him. "That's bad for your health you know... you gotta get to rest. Forget about those work for a day". He sighed as you limped and stumbled again.

He led you to a chair and you plopped down to the chair. After that, he took a glass from the pantry and fill it with water. After it was nearly full, he walked towards you and passed the glass to you, motioning you to drink. You accepted the glass and gave a small 'thank you' before finally drinking its content. You felt way much more dehydrated since it was probably a while since you drink some water.

"Alright, go to your room and get some sleep. I'll order some food in". He ordered after you put the empty glass to the nearest table. You shook your head and hold in a yawn that was about to escape your lips. "Your not my mom", you grumbled as you pushed open the door back to your small room. Halfway opening, you look back at him and asked. "What were you here for again ? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention".

He sighed and folded his arms. "I was here to take care of you. And your taking a rest either you like it or not". He huffed. You rolled your eyes and replied back with a chuckle. "Try then. It'd be interesting to see you try". He smirked before playfully answering back. "Alright then".

Before you knew what he was doing, he rushed into your room and grabbed your phone and whatever he can get from your work table and raise it up high. You panicked as you tried to reach for it. Sadly, you were shorter than him and he's raising it up high in the air. "Give it back Woolf ! You'll break something !", you desperately yelled in an attempt to retrieve it.

He sighed and shook his head. "Get a rest, and I'll give it back". With that he walked to a tall shelf you don't even know why it existed in your room and put it on the highest compartment. You puffed out your cheeks and gave Woolf a weak punch to the elbow. "Your no fun", you yawned again. He smirked as he followed you to your bed.

You really don't have a choice and after all, you really do need this rest. You climbed up your bed and pulled the blanket up till your chin. You slowly closed your eyes and melt in to the dream world. It doesn't even take you a minute to knock out and finally going to sleep.

Woolf smiled as he saw you finally taking a rest. Before leaving the room, he went over to the bed and gave a small peck on the forehead before closing the door behind him. "Take a good rest, (Y/n)".


(Always listen to what Woolf said in here. Go get food if you haven't eat. Drink enough water, and don't forget to take atleast 7 hours of sleep each day or we're gonna bust your kneecaps) 

(Yep, hope you guys liked this one. A bit shorter- but I think its good enough. Now if you dont mind I'm just gonna flop myself to do school work. Adios- *yeets to bed*) 

Words count : 1095 words  

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