Chapter 2 - Dreamy Dream

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Dream's P.O.V

I couldn't  believe what I was seeing. George almost never sent me pictures of himself and a especially a half naked mirror selfie?

Not that I was complaining though. I felt my cheeks heat up as I scanned my eyes over the screenshot I had just took.

Flushed cheeks, cocky smirk, wet hair. Wet hair, just like in his cooking stream. For some reason I like it better like that, wet and all messed up.

Even though I am straight, there's no denial that George is a very good looking man. As bad as it sounds I wouldn't call him handsome, he is just very pretty. He has such soft and delicate features. But I don't mean that in a weird way of course.

I would love to meet him one day in person, I'm not the only one who wants to meet him though. Sapnap has been nagging him about it and so has my mom.

Yeah I said my mom. She has a soft spot for George. I remember in that one stream, when he called her and told her that he was my boyfriend as a joke...

Yeah, she has been teasing me ever since about it. She is somehow "convinced" that we are more than friends, even thought we're clearly not.

I have a girlfriend, well I had one, before she cheated on me and everything turned to hell. George was there to comfort me though.

Clearly you can see that George has been here for me through thick and thin. He's been such a great and a supportive friend, that I never, ever want to lose. I don't know if it's unhealthy, but I am attached to that boy. I would never admit it but I do have a soft spot for him.

My phone starts buzzing as I see an incoming call from, heh, speak of the devil, it's George.

"Did you just take a screenshot of that snap I sent you?!" I heard George yell through the speaker of my phone.

"Yes, what's the big deal. You sent it, I'm keeping it." I answered smugly.

"Yeah but- I-, what if you accidentally post it somewhere?" He asked, panic laced in his voice.

"Hahaha, if I post it somewhere, trust me, it won't be an accident."

"W-What?!" George stammered.

"As a matter of fact, I am about to post it right now on Twitter, just need a caption for this beauty." I joked.

"Beauty?" George asked chuckling.

I could basically hear him getting flustered over the phone. Why did I even say that though?

"No Dream, please don't post it, I'll do anything you want, just please-" George pleaded. He really said he'd do anything huh?

"Anything?" I asked teasingly.

"I- Dream..." I could hear his voice quiet down to almost a whisper.

"Oh what's wrong? Cat's got your tongue, Gog?" I commented, noticing my voice drop an octave.

I should stop.

"Dream s-stop..." he stammered shyly.

"What if I don't? Do you really want me to stop George?"

I have to stop.

"Y-Yes... no.. I-"

"No? I bet you secretly enjoy being talked down like that, huh George?"

What is wrong with me. I need to fucking stop.

"Clay..." called out George hoarsely.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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