No one was coming close to Aelin however, so she focused on Afu who was snarling at her from where he stood just outside of the tavern. She began stalking towards him, looking forward to ripping him apart infront of his men. To her surprise, he began sprinting towards her with an arm raised. Aelin braced herself, ready to tackle him down but a shriek came from her left - Mor.

The other female slammed into her at such speed and with such force that even Aelin was completely winded from the blow. The pair skidded across the road, Aelin taking the beating from the harsh surface underneath her.

She saw it then, above where she had been standing: Afu had sent a burst of fire at the roof of the chapel which hung over the street, it would have fallen right ontop of her. Aelin would have lived through hell, only to be crushed by an idiot who wasn't respecting the rules of a street-brawl.

"Bastard!" Aelin bellowed, sliding out from under Mor who... oh gods. The wooden beam which had fallen, it had pinned the Morrigan's calves underneath it, burning them an awful shade of red.

Afu sneered, "That's what a slut gets for trying to fight."

Mor gave a low moan, "Dammit, I thought I'd dived long enough."

Aelin laughed, voice slightly shaky as she reassured her friend, "You were nearly there, I was probably just a bit fatter than you thought."

"Too many cakes yesterday huh," her wounded friend grunted. Aelin looked up as Afu stalked towards them, Mor twisting round with a hiss to watch his approach.

"Don't." Aelin warned, turning her friends head back around, "Lie still now, you'll be alright in a minute."

The queen crouched beside the burning plank, and then, while making direct eye contact with Afu, she reached out and grasped it firmly with her bare hands. He looked shocked, but she simply lifted the flaming object with ease. No matter that it was incredibly heavy, it wasn't to Aelin - not when her friend was hurting.

Careful not to stand on her newly freed friend, she adjusted her grip and began to turn. She twisted her torso with the wood, and then with a sudden swing, she threw the entire thing at the male's horrible face.

Aelin had been so angry that she had thrown it almost over his head in her rage. Afu was smart enough to realise this and instead of running away, or to the side, he sprinted forward, towards the burning chapel as he ducked under her projectile. How cute, he thought he would be safe inside.

Afu slammed to halt doorway, turning around to yell at her, "YOU FUCKING FREAK!"

Aelin had dropped back to a crouch to assess Mor's injuries but raised her head at his voice. Her only response to his insult was to bare her elongated canines. The male, as observant as he was, still seemed surprised by the revelation that she was not normal.

"Kill her!" His voice seemed to reverberate around the buildings, a single instruction to his legion of soldiers. On instinct, Aelin let out a snarl in response. She hadn't meant to act so feral, but the wounds on her friends legs looked rather serious despite the fact she had only been trapped for less than a minute.

The noise rippled out of her throat and echoed the same way that Afu's shout had, only her sound was ripping into the instincts of the fighters around them. Shoving into their minds, whispering in their ears - that if they fought her, they would not only lose, but they would die.

"Do it!" Afu screeched, and Aelin realised he must have some sort of persuasion magic, because a few of the males began to step forward again. It wasn't enough for some of them however, scared shitless, they ran for the hills.

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