Befriending the Dark

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Aelin would have felt bad if not for the fact that she didn't feel bad at all. This female was far too easy, she almost seemed like a common human fool, and Aelin knew why. She wondered if Feyre thought she didn't know, but if she knew all about the Inner Circle from the Illyrians, why wouldn't she have heard the High Lady's tale.

This was honestly like taking candy from a baby. The High Lady had gently taken her and walked with her to the balcony through a short section of tunneled corridors. Feyre made small talk, but Celaena was just pleased that she had remembered how to memorise the way out just like old times. Feyre was definitely the easiest to confuse and trick out of the Inner Circle, and she seemed to have forgotten that Aelin had won the Blood Rite, now seemingly convinced she was a harmless young woman who just missed her husband. So Aelin let her think that, and smiled gently, looked lost and made small comments.

If she could make them believe that all her bravado before had been a front, to try and protect herself before, and now she had receeded far far into herself, like someone in shock, then they wouldn't pay too much attention to her while she was rummaging around trying to find her way home. Feyre explained all about the people in the Library, and how she had to be kind to them because they'd all been through so much. Aelin understood and promised to herself the High Lady that she wouldn't bother them at all. The hurt which was half-feigned in her eyes, seemed to reflect in Feyre's and she could practically see the female wondering if maybe meeting these people would help her heal, though the High Lady knew nothing of Aelin's suffering.

It was strange to be carried again, Feyre's form was so different than Azriel's or Rowan's, the only other people to carry her recently, but it was perfectly comfortable. She wondered how she could bring forth and vanish her wings when the males seemed to constantly have them out, the Illyrians that was. So she asked.

"Oh my wings? Well I have the power of all the High Lords, which includes shapeshifting. I learnt how to form my own Illyrian wings and had lessons and things," she smiled reminiscently and added with a slight chuckle, "and this city was definitely built for flying."

"You're lucky there's not much air traffic..." Aelin mused as she admired the view of Velaris below. The other female's voice was curious as she questioned in return.

"You don't seem nervous of flying? Most humans don't understand how anything other than a bird could leave the ground and sail through the sky."

The Queen turned and grinned at her, that old, discernible spirit shining through as she responded. "I have met with the fiercest of witches and danced with the rowdiest of wyverns, not much could surprise me." She felt slightly too smug at Feyre's surprised expression, but then wanted to hit her as the other female's gaze focused on her landing spot and murmured. "You've been through a lot more than you show, this is a place of healing, you'll be alright."

Oh how foolish anyone had ever thought letting this woman run a nation was a good idea she didn't know, and whoever let her visit Aelin by herself was probably a bigger idiot than Aelin on Cocktail Tuesdays.

They landed a moment later, Aelin plastering a false smile and straightening up as she settled on her feet. Feyre had indeed taken note of how she was still dressed in those strange leathers, but Aelin was sure now the High Lady simply thought it a mental thing, something that made her feel safer, rather than an assassin dressing up for work.

Not that she had anyone in mind to kill, it really wouldn't be a good idea with all the magic running around, but she wanted to be safe. This winnowing wasn't ideal, she would never be able to get anyone in a real hold if they could just winnow away, she would have to work out how to get rid of their magic. It seemed simple enough, she had found a fair few books on the subject in the House of Wind, but she had come here for something different. Aelin had got herself brought here, to find a way home.

A Visitor from Terrasen [Indefinite Hiatus]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon