A Hunt for Wolf and Bird

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While Rhys was slightly cautious about travelling alone through another Court's territory with some random human he had met a mere 3 days ago, he also thought it may be a laugh. There wasn't a large amount of evidence saying he could trust her and yet here he was, standing in the doorway to her borrowed room.

He gave her an easy grin as he saw the many layers she had thrown on. Warm furs under a dark green cloak. Rhys had made a guess it was one of her favourite colours and given her the options of black, cerulean blue and dark green just to double check. Celaena had a satchel slung over her shoulder, and was just closing it as she glanced up to smirk at him.

"You may have all that pocket magic shenanigans, but I like to know where my property is."

The High Lord just raised an eyebrow at her as he stretched luxuriously and changed his own clothes to more suitable travelling clothes, with a large black cloak over everything to make him look more dreary. Rhys smirked again as she just rolled her eyes and straightened, stepping around the bed towards him. "Let's go partner."


After travelling out of the wards, he winnowed them just outside the last town the Fae male had been spotted in within the Winter Court. Celaena shook her head and cringed, "I don't think I could ever get used to that."

Rhys couldn't stop the grin that spread across his face, "Just don't throw up on me."

The woman took a step ahead of him towards the small town, before throwing a wink over her shoulder. "No promises."

A low chuckle escaped his throat and he started after her in the direction of the town. There were brilliant cottages which fitted perfectly into the winter scene, with streets cleared of snow and the rooftops laden with it.

Celaena entered the main street through the town while giggling wildly and twirling around, her hood fell back and gazed up at the clear and bright afternoon sky. Rhys noticed she had purposefully put on a light grey, knitted headband which covered her ears. He also reflected that when he had collected her from her room there had been a strong scent of perfume, and his face broke into another smile. She had used every trick in the book and there was no way, without getting close enough to rip off her headband, to tell she wasn't Fae.

As she spun he grasped her wrist and spun her into him, pressing her back against him and whispering into her covered ear, "You're an inconceivably sly woman Celaena."

While he had not been holding her properly, Rhys was still surprised with the strength and ease as of which she broke free from him with a near inaudible purr of, "Is that so?"

He wandered along the road behind her, smiling politely at a few females and nodding at the males who bothered to send a look his way. Rhys couldn't help but notice, as Celaena dashed around the street, looking at all the shops, that many males and females also looked her way. They seemed intrigued, and she really didn't look human among all the High Fae and others, infact her beauty equalled them even as a human.

Rhys mused over how to find information, without revealing who he was or drawing attention to them. They really didn't want anyone to hear the Night Court was aiding the Winter Court, but even his complexion would give it away, regardless of his recognisable face as a High Lord.

The pair travelled far enough through the town to get to the main crossroads, where 4 roads converged on the main square with many stalls in the inner square with indoor shops on the outside. The entire crossroads was under a blanket of heating magic, in order to allow outdoor shopping.

He stepped in close behind her and dipped his head to murmur, "We should ask around and see if anyone's bumped into him or even seen him. It'll be tricky though."

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