Chapter 1: Pinkie Toe

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  Izuku Yagi was a kind child. He was born in a family of 4, his mother, his father, and his twin sister Izumi. His mother Inko Yagi was the pro hero Green Magnet and his father Toshinori Yagi, well Izuku didn't know what his father did and he never really bothered to ask him. But at the age of 3 Izuku Yagi was a relatively normal child with a relatively normal life. He and his sister would talk to each other all the time about being heroes when they grew up though it seemed Izuku was more excited about getting his quirk than Izumi.

Izuku was enthusiastic about heroes in fact his entire personality but his favorite was All Might, he wanted to be just like him when he grew up and would do anything to get there.

His family always saw Izuku as a bit strange but they didn't understand why until they took him to the doctors.

"It appears your son is on the autistic spectrum." The doctor said, looking at Inko.

"Oh, dear..." She said looking concerned.

"There is no need to be upset Ms. Yagi, Izuku will be fine it's just he will learn and grow in different ways than most and it may be more difficult for him to socialize. But if he is to grow into a healthy adult he will have to learn how to it on his own, You said that he is very interested in heroes especially All Might?" Inko nodded her head. "This might be his hyper fixation or his special interest. It will help in the long run if you allow him to indulge himself in it."

Although Inko loved her son, she knew that she didn't want to care for a child that was autistic and she truly didn't want to learn how. 'Someone like him could never be a hero right?' She thought. 'He would only get hurt or end up hurting others.' She walked out of the doctor's office to see her son playing with his All Might figure like he always had, she smiled at him but deep down how she had viewed her son had changed.


"Kacchan! Izumi! Wait up!" Izuku ran to catch up with them.

"Try and catch us Deku!" Bakugo smirked, "You're gonna have to be faster than that Izu!" Izumi laughed before they both ran off faster. Izuku frowned before running to catch up with them but since he wasn't paying attention he tripped over a rock and landed on the ground. "Izu!" Izumi cried. Izuku lifted his face from the ground. He had bitten through his lip, cut his hands on the rock, and skinned his knees. Izuku began to cry as Izumi tried to calm him down and not throw up from the blood running out of Izuku's mouth. Bakugo ran over to Izuku, "Deku..."

"Is he okay!?" I cried someone from behind. A little boy with half white half red hair ran up behind them. He looked at a bleeding Izuku who looked like he was on the verge of passing out.

"Mama! Hurry, he needs help!" The boy yelled and a white-haired woman ran up and stared at the young boy laying on the ground, she then pulled out her phone. "Hello 911 we are at..."

As the woman called 911 all three of the kids sat watching Izuku. He had blood covering him, he seemed like he was in a daze and he was faintly giggling. The others just watched in shock until the paramedics came. The boy whom they had found to be named Shoto left with his mother and Izumi and Bakugou were loaded into the ambulance with a bleeding Izuku.


"Huh?" Izumi said she had been in a daze.

"Do you know your parent's phone number?" The medic said, looking at Izumi.

"Ye-yeah it's ***-****."

"Thank you." The medic dialed the number and explained the situation to the Yagi's, their parents soon arrived as well as Mrs. Bakugo who took Katsuki home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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