[MAU: The Boy in My Dreams]

Start from the beginning

'Thank you... For dinner' Zhongli said,

'Mhmm.. it was no problem!' Tartaglia looked into Zhongli's eyes, same did Zhongli with Tartaglia's.

They moved their faces closer and closer and then kissed. It was sudden, but they didn't want to stop.

That night Zhongli toss and turns around once again, but this time, thinking about Tartaglia. He can't get the thought of the kiss out of his head. But he was enjoying it.. just a little.


Zhongli was lying down on his table. Just daydreaming... About Ajax. Until he was interrupted.

'Um... Zhongli?' a girl's voice was heard,

'Hm?' Zhongli lifts his head up.

'C-could you meet me behind the school? I.. have something to tell you...' the girl blushes,

'Sure...?' Zhongli said,

Zhongli was making his way to the back of the school, but was in for an unexpected surprise.

As he turns the corner...

'Zhongli! Nice to see you here!' Tartaglia smiles,

'..Ajax? Why are you here?' Zhongli tilts his head,

'Hehe.. long story' Tartaglia said as he pulls Zhongli by the waist,

'Anyways... Since we're alone...' Tartaglia smirks,

Tartaglia pulls Zhongli into a passionate kiss. But then he noticed something inside Tartaglia's left pocket, a knife handle.?

Zhongli pushes Tartaglia away,'Ajax.. Is that a knife in your pocket..?'

'Shh...' Tartaglia shushed Zhongli, pulled out a bloodstained knife and threw it to the side, 'We'll talk about that later babe.' He whispers into Zhongli's ear,

Zhongli thought... Did.. Tartaglia kill that girl...? It can't be a coincidence.... But for some reason, Zhongli didn't feel creeped out at all, all he felt was in love.


Zhongli was sitting on the couch of his bed, reading a book, with his boyfriend lying down on his lap playing with his hair,

'Ajax... If my hair falls....' Zhongli glared at Tartaglia,

'But.... you're hair is so nice to touch....' Tartaglia pouted,

'Haha... Of course. Exactly what I expected from you-' Zhongli was cut off by an aggressive knock on the door, Zhongli immediately got up and opened the door, only to see two policemen.

'Excuse me sir. Have you ever seen-'

'Babe? Who's at the door..-' Tartaglia walked up to the door,

'It's him! Arrest him!' One of the cops shouted, the cops handcuffed Tartaglia and shoved him into the police car.

'Wait- what are you doing with him?!' Zhongli exclaimed,

'I'm sorry sir, I'm not sure if you're aware that, this man committed murder. We're taking him into interrogation.'

Zhongli stood there helplessly, with tears in his eyes, thinking what will he do now?

That night, Zhongli lies on his bed, toss and turns on his bed, crying, why did it happen this way.......


It was a weekend morning, not that it mattered, all Zhongli wanted to do was to lie on his bed and cry. Zhongli sat on the couch, and somehow turned on the TV. Showing the daily morning news, Zhongli then closed his eyes and lied down.

// Childe x Zhongli  Short Oneshots // Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now