A Chapter With No Title

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I would like to report a case of stupidity. Well, more like multiple cases of stupidity. The patients name is Barney *clears throat* I mean, Clara. Her real name is Clara. Barney is just what her cult- my mistake, HN friends refer her as.

Today Barney/ Clara committed something immensely stupid.

You know what Barney, you tell them. We'd love to see you from your point of view. *shoves barney onto stage* Yes? How excellent! Carry along then! *hands barney the microphone*

Barney's pov aka Clara aka the author of HN VIII aka literally me

*mutters underneath breath* Hello humans and inflated cats! I have strangely been summoned to speak on my behalf, in front of a nonexistent audience about my day and what went wrong.

Ofcourse, no one is interested in hearing my day. I know that, but I really don't have a clue on what else to write about at the moment. Well, I do, but the chapters are only half written. And I can't exactly hold my phone for too long because of this ' stupid situation' I've managed to put myself in.

Ah, the 'stupid situation'

Well, you see, one moment I recall struggling to open up something so I grab something sharp, and the next I'm bLeEdInG. Nothing major ofcourse. Only a sign of either

a) I'm too careless

b) I'm too reckless

c) lara

d) committed an error which results in consequences *le gasp* omg, I'm gRoWiNg uP which is why I totally independently handled this myself ( nah )

e) nonstop mental cussing

f) all of the above

g) none of the above

h) I should really stop now

i) This is the last one, I swear-

j) sike

k) I'm done now *puts hands up in surrender- or at least my right one

This only makes me

a) crazy

b) genius

c) both, because crazy = genius

1 day later....

What was I writing about again? I actually have no idea *re-reads the chapter* Oh, about my stupidness. Nah... Me, stupid? As if! I'm more of reckless, up for a challenge, never taking a look before jumping. These might not have a positive connotation. Honestly, I'm just awesome.

As of the moment I'm listening to Billie Eilish, practically half her discography. '8' is on right now. Ain't that funny? Because this is volume 8 in the HN books. We're at 11 now, aren't we? YaYaYaYyAy #teamroadtrip

Tea or coffee anyone? 🍵 ☕

I had a dream yesterday and it was giving me folklore's love triangle vibes. Who am I kidding. Their names were literally Betty, Augustine and James. Weird dream indeed.

( Am I randomly talking about nothing? Just roll with it, but not too much to the point where you end up falling from a cliff and onto the lakes )

Does anyone know where we go when we all fall asleep? I've been wondering that since March 29 of 2019. I command thee to bury the hatchet or bury a friend. right. now. Then maybe we'll know. Actually, I take that back. I don't want to give April any ideas-

Listen before I go.

I love you.


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