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It was a daily afternoon at Shantivan . Everyone was taking their afternoon nap but our darling Arush was not letting his mother in peace .

Khushi : Aru , baby , what happened ??

Aru : Mummaaa !!!

Khushi : Ha mere (my) jalebi .... Kya hua aapko ?? (what happened to you ?? ) You need anything ??

Aru took one of his toys around him and swayed his hands with the toy clutched in it .

Khushi : Aleee ... my baby wants to play with me ??

Aru : (with full blown smile) Yesshhhh !!

Khushi held him in her arms and was going to kiss him when a voice stopped her .

Voice : What are the mother and son duo doing ??

And this voice belonged to the man , who ruled our Khushi's heart , our hero , ARNAV . Seeing Arnav there suddenly , as it was not his time of returning from his work , Khushi kept Aru back on the bed and moved towards Arnav , who was standing leaning towards the door looking at them adoringly .

Khushi : (surprised + confused) Arnavji ?? You ?? Here ??

Arnav : (sarcastically) Oh sorry !! I think I came to another place only . Actually , I had mistaken that this was my house but I think I came in another house only in hurry . Really sorry for disturbing madam .

Khushi : Arey ... no ... I didn't meant that way . I was just surprised seeing you here early .

Arnav : (raising his one eyebrow) Why ?? Can't I come to my home early to be with my beautiful wife and my champ ??

Khushi : (smiling) Off course !!

Arnav : So may I come in ??

Khushi : Yes ... please husband !!

Arnav : Thank you Mrs. Wifey !!

Arnav came to Khushi and hugged her tightly , digging his face at the crook of her neck and kissing her there . Khushi hugged him back , smilingly .

Khushi : How was your day ??

Arnav : Till now ... not so good because I had to stay away from you but I know it will be excellent now .

Khushi : (hitting his back lightly) Laadgovernor !!

Arnav : Only yours !!

Khushi : (coming out of hug) Okay .... No flirting Mr . hubby !!

Arnav : (making a sad face) Arey ... nowadays , I hardly get time to romance or flirt with my wife because all day one or the other person will be here to play with Aru . And now when I am getting time ... my wife is denying .... Bechara me .

Khushi : (rolling her eyes) Dramebaaz !!

Arnav : Sangat ka asar hai !!

Khushi : Hawwww ... you are saying because of me , you became dramebaaz ??

Arnav : What then ?? When I am living with a dramebaaz then its obvious that I will turn out to be one .

Khushi made a irritated face and was going to beat him when Arnav took her hands in her clutch and pinned her to the wall , standing dangerously close to her , making her breathe heavily due to the closeness , even after years of their marriage .

Arnav : (huskily) I miss you so much wifey !!

Saying he kissed her hungrily .


Angry tears rolled down Aru's eyes and he started crying heavily , bring his parents out of the their love spell . Khushi pushed Arnav , hearing her baby cry , making her husband let out some colorful words but Khushi cared less about her husband and rushed towards her baby and took him in her arms , consoling him while Arnav just punched his fist on the wall and walked towards them , calming his nerves .

Khushi : (rocking Arush in her arms) What happened to my baby ?? .... Shhhh .... Shhh baby ... mumma is here na ?? Aleeeeyyy .... Mumma totally forgot . My baby wanted to play with mumma right ?? Sholly bachcha .... Okay , shh .... We will play now , okay ??

She kept rocking him in her arms till his cry subsided . Arnav came towards them and patted Aru's head lightly , so that his cries subside . But what Aru did after that shocked him . "What the !!" was the only thought in his mind . Aru swayed his hands in air and reached to Arnav's cheeks and pushed his cheeks a little , letting his father know that he did not want his father to come near him , as Arnav thought , but little Aru did not want his father to come near his mumma because of his big fat POSSESSIVENESS towards his mumma . IF DAD IS POSSESSIVE THEN SON IS MORE POSSESSIVE . [same case in anger also ;-)) ]

While Arnav was standing there shocked , Khushi took away Aru to the bed , after consoling him , and started playing with him ... totally oblivious to her husband's frustrated stare . But Arnav could do NOTHING so he helplessly busied himself in checking some emails muttering "Isse achcha toh mei office se itni jaldi aata hi nahi !! " (It would be good if I had not came from office so soon !! ) 



Hope you guys liked this update ?? 

Thank you so much for all the love you have showered on "OS: Angry Little ASR" ... It was really overwhelming . 




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