Hogwarts acceptance letter

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A/N: Ablutions' or 'morning ablutions' is the generic term for washing, toothbrushing, showering, bathing, toenail cutting, shaving, hairwashing, nose-hair clipping, and the usual bodily functions.

There is no month in the whole year, in which nature wears a more beautiful appearance than in the month of July... Orchards and corn-fields ring with the hum of labour; trees bend beneath the thick clusters of rich fruit which bow their branches to the ground; and the corn, piled in graceful sheaves, or waving in every light breath that sweeps above it, as if it wooed the sickle, tinges the landscape with a golden hue. A mellow softness appears to hang over the whole earth..."

You wake the way queens wake, just the same. We are all blessed with the same time, the same experience of consciousness. Your eyes greet the dayshine, your heart and lungs expand. There are times that you feel that you must have been so blessed to live the same day over and over, even though you age, for those first few moments are so identical. At first there are the dreams, then the sense of welcoming a new day, the anticipation of whatever comes.

You ponder some more on this the next morning while taking care of my morning ablutions away from camp equipped with a hygenic shovel.

You wore a white dress, beautiful purple flowers printed on it. It was fitting you quite perfectly.

 It was fitting you quite perfectly

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As you went downstairs. "Ah! Good morning baby! I've seen that my princess has already woken up." My dad chuckled not taking his eyes of the pan. You went up behind him hugging his waist as you could only reach there because you were short. "Good morning to you too, father." You gave him a huge grin. To which he replied with a weak smile. His glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. You didn't have a mother which saddened you. Your father told that she died due to an accident. Which was clearly a lie, but you believed it. They met when they were in Hogwarts. Her beauty knew no bounds as to why he fell in love with her. He too was the most handsome boy she had ever seen, but she never felt that way.

As Brenda Powell, your mother knew that your father is a descendant of Merlin,she even presumed your father has a lot riches too. Which was true. After they both graduated Hogwarts, they immediately git married. The woman felt so happy that he tricked a man, married him and now can inherit all his money. But only a task, she had to convince him that she doesn't want any sexual intercourse with her husband. Which her acquaintance hesitantly agreed.

But all went in vain, once when she was all drunk and went all flirty with him. She really had no idea as she was drunk. As they both lost their virginity towards each other. The next day she was contemplating on this and had a fight with her husband. Which made him all gloomy that day.

The next month she started feeling sick from vomiting to missing her periods. She went to the hospital named St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. She discovered that she was pregnant. Making her more furious. She had a fight again with her husband and she told him that she'll abort the child in the womb. Roger Wyllt completely denied the abortion.

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