I wake up a week later to a soft melody, and Friday saying, "Good morning Ms. Marinette. Right now, it is 6:30 a.m. and 61 degrees. Today, expect a high of 79 degrees. I hope you have a good day." After that she goes silent, and I groan, sitting up. I walk over to my closet, and open it. Inside I grab a cropped long sleeved dress shirt with a black tennis skirt. I also grab white knee high socks and black shoes. After I close my closet, making sure that the miracle box is still in the painting box, I go into my bathroom and change.

I don't feel like doing anything with my long, grown out hair, so I decide to hurry and straighten it and leave it down. Once I am completely ready, I realize that it only took 30 minutes, so I have an hour to spare before I have to go. I go over to my desk, and begin to sketch, even though I don't feel very inspired, and not enjoying it as much as I used to.

After I am done trying to sketch, I still have 45 minutes left, so I decide to explore the house. I walk out of my room, making sure to be quiet, and head towards the front room. Once I am in there, I look around a little, wondering about all of the artifacts. I have explored before, but it is always fun to explore it over and over again. I walk around the corner, going into another room, knowing that it is the kitchen.

I go over to the fridge, and open it, revealing a bunch of fruit, milk, juices of all kinds, vegetables, eggs, some cheese, yogurt, other various healthy foods, and a few left overs. I sigh out, "Friday?" "Yes Miss?" She answers. "Do you know if Tony has any cereal?" "No. He only eats what is here, and occasionally a bag of popcorn or chips." "Ok. Thank you Friday. Wait, where is a smoothie blender?" Suddenly, a cabinet opens, and a smoothie blender is in there. I grab it, then begin to add all of the ingredients. For the past week, I have only been having a cup of coffee for breakfast, and nothing else.

Once I am done making my smoothie, I drink it, while scrolling through my phone. I go onto Instagram, and see several of my old friends have posted. I read one of Alya's posts, and it is a picture of her, Lila, Nino, and Adrien hanging out at the park that was near my old house. The caption says:

Out in the sun having some fun! I am so grateful for such wonderful friends, and for all of the bad, toxic, mean, inconsiderate ones *cough cough Marinette cough cough* to be gone and out of my life forever!  

I become sad, and continue reading and looking at more posts, but one particular blond and green eyed model catches my eye, and I look at one of his more resent posts. It is a picture of a croissant and hot chocolate, with a pink rose to the side, and it says,

When ever I was feeling down, my friend would always bring me here and get me these treats. I miss you. I wand our memories to continue with many more roses and treats. I want you to come back home. 

I begin to tear up, knowing that he is talking about me. I look at my smoothie, and suddenly I am no longer hungry, so I push it into the sink. Trying to hold back the tears. I hear Tony ask, "Friday, do you know what is wrong with Miss. Marinette here?" The robot answers Tony with, "She was looking at instagram sir. She saw a post and it made her sad sir." I roll my eyes and say, "Thank you Friday for giving me no personal privacy."

Tony chuckles, and asks, "Who were they?" I just shake my head, and say, "People from my past." He says, "Friday pull up the feed from Marinette's instagram today." Suddenly, in front of us, there is a link to all of what I have looked at today. He clicks on it, then begins to scroll through it. He finds Alya's, then reads it. He sighs but continues on. He finds Adrien's, then asks, "Is this what made you upset?"

"He is the boy that knew that Lila was lying, yet still took her side just so then he could be considered a good person and still have friends. And then here he is posting about something that we always did, making it seem like he misses me. He is a freaking model, so it has millions of views and likes and comments. No one else knew that we did that, so he posted it. He made it not special." Tony just nods, then asks, "Can you tell me why you ran away?"

I ask, "can I trust you?" He nods, and I sigh. I do trust him, and I know I need to tell someone to help me recover from the trauma.

"Lila is a girl who is a wanna be Pinocchio. She constantly lies, and everyone believes her. I didn't. And if you know me then you know how much I hate lying. I feel like it is the worst thing ever. So, since I didn't want to be her friend, she thought that I didn't deserve any.

"She convinced them that I threatened her, and physically, emotionally, and mentally abused her. Once they fell for that, they began to do those things to me. All I ever did for them was put them before me, their happiness over mine. I was always there for them. I always backed them up.

"But as soon as I needed them they weren't there. Instead they were kicking me and calling me names and telling me that I should disappear, or that I should go kill myself and make everyone feel better.

"That I'm too fat, that I'm unwanted, that no one will ever love me. And I believed them. Every single word I believed. I didn't think that I deserved to live. That I was just taking up unwanted space. But then I realized that I am so much more. That I needed to get away. So I did. I wrote a letter to my parents, left it on my desk, and left in the middle of the night, only taking the few things that I brought here."

I pause for a second before continuing. "The thing that hurt the most though was the fact that the person I was in love with knew that Lila was lying but he still chose her side, cause he still wanted to have friends, to be wanted.

"Those people broke me. They were the ones that traumatized me, along with the akuma attacks. I just couldn't take it so I left." I look at Tony, who now has a very sad look on his face, and I can see that he is trying to hold back tears. I shrug and say, "It's in the past. That is why I moved here. Cause no one knows me, or knows what I have been through. Except for you, and Peter knows part of it."

Tony clears his throat and says, "Stand up. I'm gonna drive you to school today." I nod, then ask, "Do you have a red tie that I can borrow? I think it would look nice with my outfit." He nods, then motions for me to follow him. Once we get to his room, he opens up his closet and I follow him in. He takes me over to a drawer and opens it. Inside, are several red ties. He says, "Choose which ever one you want." I nod, then grab a simple, plain red one. I try to tie it around my neck, but fail miserably. He chuckles, then reaches for it. He ties it around my neck, and I loosen it a bit, making it seem less professional.

I ask, "What did you wear this tie for?" He says, "I think that that is the tie I wore for when I had a meeting with the captain, and we got into a huge fight on weather or not we should allow the government to control us."

I giggle, and he shrugs. "Only you." I say, and go to my room. "Yeah well, my life is crazy." I grab my school bag and check the time. It takes 20 minutes to drive to the school, and right now it is 7:30. "We should go." I say. "Alright kiddo. Follow me."

I nod, and he brings me down a stair case, into his work shop. In there, there are several Iron Man suits, along with other designs he has. There are also several, very expensive cars. He grabs a key off of one of many hooks full of them. He goes over to one of the cars, a blue one with a closed roof and obviously electric, and says, "Get in." I nod, and open up the door, sitting next to the one and only Iron Man.

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