After getting out of the room, I headed back to the cafeteria to see if either suspect was there. When I got there, Byakuya was sitting at the table drinking tea while looking at a paper. He glanced up at me for a moment before letting out rich boy arrogance noise and returning to the paper. I was going to walk over and question him, but an announcement stopped me "Another body has been found! Wow, you kids are finally tapping into your murderous tendencies, you're making your principal very proud! All students report to the Art storage room on the 3rd floor." I sighed and began walking, my plan from the previous night started a little earlier than I had expected it to. 

When I arrived at the art room, Celeste was sitting on a chair frowning while Mukuro was sitting nearby. I walked over to Celeste and pat her head gently, looking down at her "I'm assuming you were the one that found it?" She nodded and looked up at me "yeah... the body is on the other side of the door...." "Who was it" "It's the weird guy with the stupid hair" "Yasuhiro?" she nodded and looked down "yes. that guy" I pulled another chair over and sat down by her "Did you see anyone else nearby?" She shook her head "No, I opened the door and the announcement went off." "That means someone else has already seen the body." She looked up at me. "Then there could be an accomplice to the murderer? Who would do something without anything to gain from it?" "I don't know, it doesn't seem logical" Soon everyone else arrived in the art room. Byakuya looked around "So, where is the body?" I sighed "Well if you were paying attention to anything, you would know the announcement said art storage room, not art room. So open the door and see for yourself" Byakuya glared at me and walked over to the door, swinging it open. On the other side of the door, Yasuhiro was pinned against the wall by multiple art supplies, his head was dented in with fragments of glass in his hair.

Monokuma appeared, with his signature laugh "upupupu look at this bloody mess. One of you really went crazy over this!" He handed everyone a tablet called the Monokuma file, that showed all the information about the body. Time of death, injuries, victims measurements, possible weapons from the scene. "You kiddos know the drill, it's time to investigate. I'll call you all when it's time for the class trial to begin." With that, Monokuma disappeared, leaving us to begin investigation. Byakuya scoffs and walks to the exit "While you imbeciles deal with that, I'm going to go back to my breakfast, Since I have already figured this out" I frowned and shook my head. Hifumi shook as he stared at the body before running off, letting out a squeal. Kyoko sighed and looked around the crime scene. She took note of a large bloody painter apron that was stuffed in the trash, it was no doubt used to keep the blood off the culprit. The next thing she noted was the objects used to pin Yasuhiro up, paintbrushes with green, yellow, and pale skin toned paint were most prominent despite the blood covering most of the brushes. The final thing she noted what the glass in Yasuhiro's hair, the shards of glass were most likely from whatever caused the dent in his head. 

Kyoko turned to the students that remained in the art room and spoke "look around for any painting in the room that use the colors green and yellow. it might give us more ideas as to who did this" We all looked around the room until Makoto called out "Umm, I think I found it." Me and Kyoko were the first to walk over to it. I looked at the painting in question and gripped a nearby chair tightly. On a large canvas was a painting of Monaca wearing a princess dress. The others looked at the painting and shook their head. Kyoko frowned "So no one recognizes the person in the painting?" The sound of snapping wood caused everyone to look over at me as the chair I was gripping had broken from the pressure. Chihiro shook a lot but spoke up nervously "I-Izuru? W-whats wrong?" I grit my teeth "The painting. That's my little sister." Kyoko frowned and spoke "So whoever stole your motive video is the one who made this... or.." Mukuro put a hand on my shoulder "Y/... I mean Izuru couldn't have killed Yasuhrio. He was in his dorm room with me at the time of the murder." Celeste spoke up, glaring at Mukuro for a second before going back to her poker face "What were you doing in Izuru's room so late at night?" Mukuro blushed a bit "We didn't do anything inappropriate! We were just talking about stuff" Celeste kept a strong stare on Mukuro until I spoke up "With how protective Monokuma is of me, If we had done anything inappropriate it would be Mukuro's body we found this morning" Celeste nodded "I suppose that is true." I looked over at Mukuro, wondering if she was trying to cover for me, or if she was mixing up the days.

Ultimate scapegoat  (DanganRonpa x Male reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن