Todoroki Extra

758 40 15

AU: This extra is more focused on the crossover unlike the last one

The screen fades in and we can see Shoto sitting on his bed surrounded by notes and video tapes.

As he settles back in he grabs one of the books.

"Hello and welcome to Shoto Todoroki's documentary on why Natsume Takashi is either an undercover god or a fallen angel. With my evidence and some of my classmates, teachers, and oddly enough a few villains accounts, I hope you find my evidence compelling enough to believe the truth. If my dad sees this, stay away from Natsume. He cant be tainted. This is 'Natsume Takashi: A Natural Phenomenon.' Enjoy the documentary."

The screen fades to black before opening up to another area.

This area is the kitchen which houses the explosive blonde who is simply trying to cook dinner in peace.

*Bakugo Katsuki* (Location: 1A Dorm Kitchen)

The blonde can be seen pausing his preparation and learning against a counter.

"So let me get this straight. You want me to say why I think Cat eyes is an otherworldly being?"


"Will the extra see this after?"

A pause can be heard behind the camera.

"No he won't."


Bakugo is seen looking at the floor for a couple seconds before he answers.

"The extra reminds me of Deku. Except he's way less annoying. He's also not that weak. Still weaker than me, but I wouldn't mind him being on my team when I have my own agency."

Bakugo's voice goes quieter at the end of his statement.

"He's also not worthless in the kitchen unlike some of these extras. But he's way too selfless. The idiot needs to realise that he's better than most of these people and act like it! That's all I'm gonna say! Now get out of my face Icy-Hot!"

"Would you say he's like an angel?"

"If that will get you to leave me alone than fine! Cat eyes is an angel! Now leave!"

The camera cuts to black again.

Next shows outside the dorms with a green-haired hero in training. He looks as if he just got back from a run.

*Izuku Midoriya* (Location: Outside of 1A Dorms)

"Eh? What do I think of Natsume-kun?"

The green- haired boy can be seen rubbing the back of his neck in a timid gesture.


"Well he's really nice and he always cares about others more than himself. He also doesn't get mad when you accidentally accuse him of something."

Some text appears in the lower left corner of the video. "For more information please refer back to 'Misuzu and Broccoli Boy' (Chapter 7)."

"He's also the only one who can really calm down Kaachan. I mean- Kirishima kind of does, but Natsume completely diffuses the situation in a couple words. I honestly would believe him if he said that he had another quirk that is related to the emotions of others. Not to mention the-"

"Hold that thought for a second."

Behind the camera there is an audible scribbling noise.

"A-are you writing that down?!"

A pause.

"Save your questions for later. Now, as you were saying."

"R-right. Um, as I was saying, there is just something about Natsume-kun that puts everybody at ease. Even if he does have his surprisingly sarcastic quirk."

Midoriya gasps before looking past the camera.

"Todoroki-kun! Pass me your notebook!"


"I don't have my quirk analysis notebook on me and I need to write down some new information now! Before I forget! Hurry!"

"Okay then."

A notebook is passed from behind the camera to the rambling boy. He flips to a blank page and starts writing while muttering out loud.

"Maybe that's part of his quirk? Like a split personality of sorts. Since Natsume-kun is only ever seen being nice, maybe his quirk is an embodiment of all his negative emotions? That is possible since I haven't seen Nyanko-sensei being nice once. Natsume also has to keep his quirk in check half the time so maybe it's just him split into two. That would also explain why they are almost always together. Maybe that's his drawback? He can't separate from his quirk? If that is the case, how far can they go without there being drawbacks? What are they? Do they affect him physically or mentally? Can they communicate telepathically when they are seperated? Would he be mad at me for trying, or would his quirk get mad? Do they share emotions?"

The boy appears to forget what he was doing previously and walks away with the notebook, still talking to himself.


No response is heard.

"We'll come back to him."

The screen fades to black.

There is a multi-colored loading screen shown with the words "Brief Intermission ft. Ojiro's Storytime"

The screen cuts to Ojiro sitting on the couch in the 1A dorm common room.

He is sipping a cup of tea and he is wearing a pair of fake glasses for added effect.

He places the cup down and clears his throat.

"Now then, this happened a couple hours after I had met Natsume Takashi. When we were first introduced I noticed that he was oddly focused on my tail. It seemed like he wanted to say something before he completely ignored it as if it wasn't there. I figured he was just doubting its effectiveness in battle or wanted to pet it. I didn't think much of it since many people do when we first meet, so I forgot about it for a while."

He picks up and sips from his cup again before placing it down and continuing.

"It wasn't until later in the day before I realised something was off. I felt like somebody was staring at me. Everytime I would glance up Natsume would be there in the background. That wasn't even the weirdest part though. He sent the cat after me."

He pauses for added effect.

"He tried to use his quirk on me. I'm not sure exactly what happened but when Nyango (Is that his name?) came up to me he just stared for a couple seconds before smirking and waddling away. He must have done something because Natsume walked up to me shortly after asking if we could talk. I was kinda scared since I had no idea what was going on and we had just met. I was walking in front of him when I felt something touch my tail. I tried to turn to see what it was but I was blinded by a bright bluish-white light. Next thing I know, I can see again and Natsume is gone. Nowhere to be seen."

On the screen pops up, "Ojiro looks to be a bit paranoid about the whole encounter but we won't mention that."

"Anyways, I just thought it was bad timing or something, but when I approached him later he seemed to have forgotten everything about it. He did seem a bit flustered though. I don't know if I was just hallucinating or if Natsume is hiding something. However, if he just wanted to touch my tail, he could have asked. My one question though is; what was that blue light?"

The camera switches back to the starting scene with Todoroki on his bed.

"And that concludes Storytime with Ojiro. Join us next time as we interview a couple UA staff members and some of the League of Villains. I'm your host Shoto Todoroki and this has been, "Natsume Takashi: a Natural Phenomenon (Part 1 of 3)"

The screen fades to black once more.

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