Is it really a Cat?

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"What do you mean he fell out of the sky?"
"Hm, I really wonder what other meanings there could possible be Iida-kun."
"While I do not appreciate the sarcasm of your statement Kaminari, we need to report this to Aizawa Sensei immediately. While he may not seem like a villain it is best to be safe rather than sorry."

"Is that a cat plushie?"
"Maybe we should bring it with him too?"

Are they talking about Sensei?

Why is my back so heavy?


Where am I?

Madara POV

Natsume is stupid.

Normally this is a known fact but he's really outdone himself this time. I thought the worst youkai experience was when he was trapped in a jar or when he became a child because of the days eater.

But no, he must have seen it as a challenge to help other youkai who he really shouldn't have messed with.

Specifically a dimension youkai.

Now he is lying on the floor outside a random building, which appears to be a school, in a world where superpowers exist.
I am missing Touko's amazing cooking because of you Natsume...

Also who was the knock off Pikachu?
When he saw Natsume fall he rushed over to make sure he was okay and then ran off.

Humans are strange

Okay this is getting out of hand.
Who is the discount Sonic?

At the moment I am laying on Natsume's back, guarding the Book of Friends.

Natsume would get mad if I attacked the humans here so I let myself be carried by a broccoli haired child who followed the Sonic kid. The youkai around here give off a different energy.
Almost seems a bit more powerful than some of the youkai back home.

Not me of course but,

Some are staring at us.

They look kinda creepy...

Maybe they know Reiko?

That sounds like something Reiko would do.

3rd Person POV

Iida and Denki were carrying Natsume while Midoriya picked up Nyanko-Sensei.
"This definitely isn't a plushie. Just a really fat cat."


"Did you say something Midobro?"

"No, I think it was the cat. Maybe the cat is a part of this kids quirk?"

"I dunno dude, he fell out of the sky. If the cat was a part of his quirk it probably would have protected him."

"Kaminari, it is not polite to make assumptions of one's quirk. Specifically somebody you just met. He might not have full control over it, or maybe the cat only protects him when he is conscious. He might also just have a pet cat with-"
"No he's got a point Iida-kun. We should ask Tokoyami about Dark Shadow since they seem similar." Midoriya tries to stop Iida's rambling and one handed karate chopping before he drops Natsume on the ground.

Aizawa's POV
I just finished grading 1A's quirk analysis of each other when Mic walks in with All Might.

"Yo Eraser how's it hangin!?"
"Not so loud Mic, he had to talk to young Bakugo about his analysis on young Midoriya's quirk."

"What did Bakugo write?"

I try to rub the headache away as  I remember his loud words of reasoning, "He wrote, "In exchange for the increase of strength he sold his soul to a demon to get a quirk that breaks his bones until it consumes him entirely," Only with much more vulgar language and a few scribbled out All Might's here and there."

Toshinori looks a bit anxious as he avoid our eye contact in favor to stare at the #1 Dad mug Sero and Mina got me for Father's Day as a joke.

Mic however thinks it is hilarious.
"Mic! Volume control!"
"Oops, sorry. It's just-"
He then proceeds to fall on to the floor in a ball of giggles.
"Shut up so I can take a nap," I say this as I slip into my yellow sleeping bag.
Right as I plop down on the couch I hear muffled yelling from down the hallway.

A few more muffled voices and there is an angry knock on the door. Toshinori says it's unlocked and I slide off the couch to the floor face first.

I can tell Bakugo got roped into whatever the problem children are doing by the way the door slams open and hits the wall.

There goes my nap.

Natsume's Book of Superpowered Youkai?(MHA/NBOF crossover)Where stories live. Discover now